Holidays Are Hard

Two days ago, Tegan’s hedgehog, Oreo, had to be put to sleep. We’d known it was coming. Her function (just her body… her little personality and spunk was as sharp as ever) had been steadily declining for the last two months, ever since she had what the vet guessed was a stroke or a possible brain tumor. It turns out that being prepared for it never really PREPARES you for it. Crying with your 11 year old while her beloved pet dies in her arms is heartbreakingly, rip-your-guts-out sad, and having it happen one week before Christmas does not help.

And even if it were not for the death of a loved one, I’m still not doing all that well this Christmas season. I love Christmas, but – and I know that many of you can relate to this – seasonal depression is a major buzzkill. Everything is tiring. Everything feels hard. The thought of shopping and wrapping and baking and being festive is suffocating and overwhelming. If I’m being honest, the thought of getting out of bed and showering is suffocating and overwhelming. As is my typical pattern when I’m depressed, I’m sleeping either 3 hours or 12 hours. Nothing in between. I’m always tired. Always. Tired.

The week before last was tech week for Tegan’s play (her very first Shakespeare play!), which means very very long days, and it nearly kills me every time. I was still recovering when I had to make the phone call to the vet. And set up the tree. And run the errands. And take the girl to a promised movie. And catch up on all the piled-up laundry. Did I mention I’m very tired?


Mike took over the gift shopping this year. Just sort of quietly got it done with a few covert texts to me while I sat beside him on the couch. I don’t know what all my nieces and nephews are getting from us this year, and I’m grateful for that. Grateful because it was one big to-do that he took off my plate, without having been asked.

We’re all here, and we’re all together. Last Christmas, that was not the case in the days leading up to the 25th (a story that isn’t mine to tell), so this year I’m extra grateful.

We have a roof over our heads, and clothes on our back, and food on our table. And I’m grateful for that too.

The thing is, gratitude and depression can and do exist at the same time. They’re both real, and they’re both strong, this year in particular. This year was hard. This holiday is hard.

In a world of perma-positivity, I think that people can forget that you can feel both. That you can be grateful, or happy even, and still be depressed. Or anxious. Or manic. Or grieving. Or any combination of the above. Holidays are hard for a lot of people for a lot of reasons, and we need to tread lightly, and gently, and kindly.

This weekend (the weekend before Christmas, because we’re crazy), we’ll go out and get wrapping paper and stocking stuffers and food and baking ingredients. And I’ll bake, and I’ll do all some of the things, and it’ll be okay.

My friend is forcing me to make muddy buddies, both because she knows I love them, and because she knows that it’d make me even more sad if I didn’t have them. She’s always right, which is really irritating. And she reminds me that it’ll be okay.

And the rest of the cookies will be made, or they won’t. And the presents will all get wrapped, or they won’t. And it’ll be okay.

And right now? Right in this moment: barefoot in my pajamas at 2:45 in the afternoon, looking at the tree, listening to Tegan sing and play her ukele, and watching the dog sleep peacefully on the floor… I’m okay too.

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Re-defining My Faith

Earlier this week, Tegan (11 at the time of this writing) expressed interest in a homeschool co-op. I try really hard to make whatever they want to do happen, but this time I just…. couldn’t.

I read through their website deeply. Looked at the rules, the FAQs, and eventually found their statement of faith, that I would have to sign should we become members. Jen of 20 years ago would have signed it without batting an eyelash. But 2020 Jen has grown and changed and evolved. 2020 Jen couldn’t in good conscience sign a statement that said, among other things:

Marriage is defined as being between a man and woman only.

Children must dress according to their biological gender.

People are inherently sinners.

There is only one God, and He is the only way to salvation.

I don’t know when I started to change, or what prompted it. All I know is that my beliefs are different now, and they certainly no longer fit into a traditional “Christian” box. I can’t even claim the Christian title anymore, as its been so perverted as of late, and associated with so many atrocious things. If pressed, I would call myself a Christ-follower.

I do still believe in God… but I also believe that God can look different for different people, that my God isn’t any better than your God, and that your beliefs – no matter what they may be – are just as valid as mine.

I do still believe in the Bible… as part metaphor/story/history book, and part blueprint on loving others (the New Testament).

I do still believe in Jesus… a Jesus who was a brown skinned, bleeding heart, long-haired, liberal, anti-establishment hippie. I believe that Jesus teaches us everything we need to know about love, kindness, and grace.

I believe that most people are inherently good, and that because of human-ness and free will, they sometimes do bad things.

I believe that love is love… and that LGBTQ individuals should have the same rights and privileges as their heterosexual counterparts.

I believe that gender, much like sexuality, exists on a spectrum, and that it’s not our place to tell people how they should or should not identify or dress. It also stands to be said that commenting on, speculating about, and otherwise concerning yourself with someone else’s genitals is generally weird and creepy.

Mostly I believe that we’re here to live out Matthew 22:39, the greatest commandment of all: Love thy neighbor as yourself.

ALL thy neighbors.

The white neighbors. The black neighbors. The refugee neighbors. The homeless neighbors. The gay neighbors. The straight neighbors. The addict neighbors. The Christian neighbors. The atheist neighbors. The Jewish neighbors. The Muslim neighbors…

I fail at this. A lot. But as hard as it is sometimes, it’s also the simplest doctrine that ever was.

My religion is love.

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No Jimmy Kimmel, It’s Not Funny To Pretend To Eat Your Child’s Halloween Candy

I don’t really have an opinion on Jimmy Kimmel. People seem to like him. Apparently he’s funny. He makes people laugh. He’s a host, a comedian, a writer, and a producer. He has his own late night talk show that’s been on the air for over fifteen years. So, I mean, well done Jimmy Kimmel.

He also does something this time every year (Google tells me that this is year nine) that makes my heart hurt. He has parents, as a “prank”, tell their kids that they ate all their Halloween candy. The parents record the exchange, send in the video, and the internet has a collective laugh over these betrayed and crying children.


Who decided it was funny to laugh at kids’ pain? I’ll get back to that.

Jokes should never hurt. Let’s just start there. Jokes should make both parties laugh. If one party is laughing and the other one is crying, that’s not a joke. That’s bullying. Plain and simple. If a parents pulls a “prank” on their child with the intent of making them sad, it’s bullying. If a parent records a child – understandably – crying, and then shares it with the internet, it’s bullying. If we, as a collective society, laugh at children who are in distress, it’s bullying. We seem to recognize bullying when it’s done in the schoolyard, but turn a blind eye when it’s done by parents.

The very definition of bullying is “seeking to harm, intimidate, or coerce.” Is that not exactly what parents are doing when they use their power over their children to make them feel bad? And then splash it about the internet as though it’s entertainment?

Kids are human beings, with human feelings. Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost sight of that. Doing something to purposely hurt those feelings is mean. Children are not our puppets. They’re not here for our entertainment. They are people, who, like all people, are deserving of kindness and respect.

Pretending to eat their candy is akin to me parking my husbands car around the corner, telling him it was stolen from the driveway, and then laughing (And filming! Can’t forget the filming!) at his reaction.

But it’s just candy, you may argue. The car comparison is unfair. But what’s “just” candy to an adult may very well be extremely important to the child. The fact that it’s “just” candy doesn’t make their sadness or their tears any less real. It doesn’t make what you’ve done any less cruel. Delighting in someone else’s misery is NEVER funny, no matter how insignificant you think it to be. Candy, cars, it doesn’t matter. Purposely hurting someone so we can laugh at them is one of the lowest things we can do. Jokes shouldn’t hurt.

We have to start doing better. We seem to realize that there is a bullying problem in schools today (which is a start!), but no one wants to have the uncomfortable conversation. No one wants to admit that maybe, just maybe, kids bully because they were first bullied at home. Because they learned that it was all a game to cause someone else pain. Because they learned that it was funny to make someone else cry. Because they learned that “jokes” could be at someone else’s expense.

Our society, and our kids, deserve better. And that is never, ever going to come to fruition if we don’t take a hard honest look at how we’re treating our own children, the youngest and most vulnerable members of our own families.

Be nice to children. Please.


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Inclusivity Costs You Nothing

Earlier this week, Always brand sanitary napkins announced that they would be removing a female symbol from their packaging, in an effort to be more inclusive of its transgender and non-binary customers.

The internet then proceeded to lose its mind.

“This has gotten ridiculous!

“The height of stupidity!”

“Men cannot and do not menstruate!”

This little symbol, which many people had probably never even noticed, suddenly became the harbinger of everything that was good and true in the world. Removing it would be tantamount to scourging the rights of menstruating women everywhere.

Let’s all take a collective step back, and look at what’s happening here.

Most – not all – women menstruate. We know this. Nothing is going to change it. If you’re a women who somehow feels threatened or minimized by Always’ decision, there’s no need. No one is denying your existence. No one is denying that you menstruate.

Some – not all – transgender men and non-binary individuals also menstruate.

“But! But! If they have a uterus they’re not a man!” I know. I hear your objections, loud and clear.

But here’s the thing, and it’s important: Intersex people exist. Non-binary people exist. Transgender people exist. It might make you uncomfortable. It might even make you angry. Heck, I’m fully prepared at the anger directed at me for even writing these words. But your discomfort, your anger, your disbelief does not change facts. And the fact is, those living outside of typical gender constructs are no different than you and I. They are human beings, just trying to get through the day like anyone else. Living, breathing, loving, learning…. and yes, dealing with all the messy and inconvenient aspects of humanness, which sometimes includes such things as having a period.

Your moral outrage at Always’ decision to help them feel more included sends a very real, very unsettling message. This already marginalized segment of society is literally being told :

You don’t matter.

You don’t belong.

You don’t exist.

If omitting a tiny symbol can’t hurt you (and it can’t), why on earth would its removal be anything but a positive step if it helped others feel more included? What harm is there in being more welcoming? What is the cost of affirming someone else’s existence?

It literally costs you nothing.

You may not agree with gender fluidity, you may not even believe it exists. But there are very real people with very real feelings who would beg to differ. Those people are being hurt, and the rest of us have a choice: We can add to the hurt, or we can extend a hand. We can ostracize, or we can welcome. We can shun, or we can include.

And listen, I am far from the person I want to be, and God knows I could use help in the loving people department. But this one seems like a no-brainer to me. If my actions, if my words, if my behavior can make someone feel more worthy, more accepted, more seen, then I’m going to do my best to make it happen.

We pay a price for outrage and anger. Kindness is free.


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Some Days Are Stupid

I used to like the Law of Attraction. It was all very nice and tidy. Like attracts like; positive attitudes equal positive output; believing in goodness means goodness will follow.

I believe something a little bit different now.

In fact, inspirational, “just think positively” memes make me a little stabby. No doubt well-intended, they’re patronizing and cheap words that sprinkle salt onto very real wounds. They also deny a whole range of valid human emotions and experiences, the very existence of which helps make us who we are.

Some days just suck. That’s a fact. Some weeks suck. Hell, some years suck. Sometimes we’re mad, or sad, or irritated. Sometimes we’re upset and discouraged. Sometimes we’re straight up pissed off and hate the world and everything in it.

Some days are stupid, and it’s okay.

Denying the bad days with a bandaid of positivity is dismissive, minimizing, and ignoring of the fact that we were created with a wide range of emotions and experiences and that they’re okay too. It’s okay to feel things!

What’s not okay is trying to placate someone with trite words of bullshit and sunshine instead of doing the actual work of being a friend. Being a friend is sometimes messy. Sometimes it means plopping down in the muck and the mire, and holding a hand that’s steeped in hard times. Sometimes it means hearing the complaints, wiping the tears, and not making a damn move to try and “fix” it. Sometimes it means knowing that your role is simply to meet them where they are, with no goal and no agenda other than to BE THERE.

Being positive is lovely.

Being positive all the time is unrealistic, unhealthy, and unhelpful. People are allowed to feel things. People need to feel things. Denying our feelings, or anyone else’s feelings, in the name of being positive does no one any favors. Being kind and reassuring is one thing. Telling someone to just think positively (ie: just try harder) is condescending and hurtful. It essentially erases their very real, very valid feelings of pain or frustration, and makes a situation which very well may be out of their control suddenly their fault. (IF ONLY THEY’D TRY HARDER)

I’m not talking about people who are always negative either. That’s a different matter, and a different blog post altogether. I’m talking about the whole human experience. I’m talking about most of us. Those of us who are alternatively happy and sad and excited and discouraged. Those who are positive on the good days, and hold on tight through the bad days. We need each other. We need hands to hold and shoulders to cry on and space to sit in. We need the freedom to BE, and to feel, and to express ourselves however we need in the moment.

What we do not need is a trite, insincere, Hallmark-card, hearts-and-flowers package of canned positivity telling us not to feel what we’re feeling.

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My Body Doesn’t Exist to Make You Comfortable

The other day, I was doing an exercise DVD. I prefer to get my exercise by walking or hiking outside, but that’s ill-advised when it’s 114 degrees out. So anyway, I’d dusted off this old HiiT workout I had, and started noticing something that bugged me. Our fearless leader in spandex kept talking about “zapping” problem areas. Let’s get rid of that muffin top, the saddle bags, the fat in front for your arm pits. It suddenly occurred to me to wonder, “Wait. Who am I zapping them for?” I’ll get back to that.

I’ve gained weight recently. A lot of it in fact. Mostly a side effect of a medication (Important note: you never know why someone’s gained or lost weight), I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still getting comfortable in my new skin.

I wasn’t always overweight. At various times in my adult life I’ve been underweight, an “ideal weight”, and carrying a few extra pounds. Here’s a fun fact: people can be just as cruel to those who are underweight as they are to those who are overweight. Because for some god-forsaken reason, people at large think they get to have an opinion on what our bodies look like. Spoiler alert: they don’t.

It’s summertime, so my news feed is inundated with ads for this program or that workout, this potion or that diet. Get the six-pack! Get bikini ready! Get sexy arms! Get a lifted butt! It’s like we collectively can’t handle fat, can’t handle variations in the ideal body type. Whoever decides what’s ideal, anyway?

We’re told things like, “no pain, no gain,” or “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” (What kind of a messed up message is this?) We’re told to work out more and diet harder so our clothes fit nicer, so we feel sexier, so we look better. Why does skinnier = better? Why are we so afraid of variations in body size? People are meant to be different sizes.

Believe it or not, my lack of a six-pack does not affect you. Nor does it mean I’m unhealthy, nor does it mean I don’t try hard enough.

In the past, I have starved myself – STARVED myself – into a size two. According to the world, I was “healthy”. But I’d never been more unhealthy. I’d never hated my body more. And make no mistake, for me to lose weight now, at a size 12, it requires the same thing: starvation. Starvation and obsessive exercise. For the time being at least, this is the size my body wants to be. Whether society says it’s okay or not, this is me.

But there has to be something in the middle right? Something between starving yourself, and leading a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle? YES! Yes, there is. One can remain active without feeling the need for the six pack, one can eat a variety of nutrient dense foods without feeling the need to berate themselves for eating a bowl of ice cream. One can feel good about themselves without feeling the need to force themselves into a size 2.

I see a very odd phenomenon within diet and fitness groups when it comes to food. The all-out obsession with the points and the calories and the fat. People patting themselves on the back for resisting the cookie or the donut or the piece of pizza. I can’t help but wonder what the end game is. Do they think they’ll get extra points at the end of their life for turning down that piece of birthday cake? Orthorexia is real (look it up).

You may call it weak, but I call it living a happy life. If I want a cookie, I’ll eat a damn cookie. Cookies are not “bad.” Hate and war are bad. A cookie is just a cookie.

I think we’ve collectively lost sight of what we’re doing here. Collectively lost sight of the fact that bodies (healthy bodies, at that!) come in all shapes and sizes, and that it’s not our place to comment on them, ever. That eating and exercising are personal, and that decisions about such can only be made by the owner of said body. That the way someone carries herself or dresses herself is up to her, not up to society at large. That if we find fault in someone else’s body, that is an US problem, not a them problem.

We have to stop with the assumptions and the snap judgments. We have to stop with the mindset of having to “fix” everyone.

An overweight person can still run a marathon. An overweight person can still climb to the top of that mountain. An overweight person can still be strong and sexy and beautiful, and shame on us for creating a culture where that very fact is accepted as false.

Let’s change the narrative. Let’s focus on beauty at all sizes. Let’s focus on eating foods and including movement that makes us feel good. Let’s focus on health for health’s sake, not for fitting into a certain size or achieving a certain aesthetic.

Let’s remember that we are not our bodies. We are souls. Our bodies just give those souls somewhere to hang out. And that’s a beautiful thing, whether you’re a size 2 or a size 20.

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No More Wee-Wees and Hoo-Hoos

When I was pregnant with my second (18 at the time of this writing), I had a routine 5 month ultrasound, and we decided that we wanted to find out the gender. Our oldest, 3 at the time, was bouncing around the room, chanting to nobody in particular, “Do you see a penis or a vagina? Penis or vagina?” The tech looked us over with derision, sort of snorted and said, “Wow, you must be really big on penises and vaginas in your house.” I smiled politely (I’m pretty sure) but inside I was irritated. We were about to find out the gender of our baby. I’m pretty sure everyone in the room was wondering about penises and vaginas. And what was wrong with a 3 year old voicing his curiosity anyway?

I wonder if she, like so many adults, was uncomfortable with a small child using, well…. using the correct terms for body parts.

I was on a Facebook group recently, where a grown woman referred to her vulva as a “front butt.” My first thought was, “WHO SAYS THAT?” The answer, not-surprisingly, is: a lot of people. Along with wee wee and pee pee and hoo hoo and vajayjay. Of course there’s the ubiquitous “down there”, or simply one’s “area” or “parts.” And in recent news, my 11 year old just informed me that some people say, “the fold.” (Who knew?)

You wouldn’t think it would be controversial. After all, no one uses a euphemism for “elbow.” But people get weird when it comes to private parts, and I’m here to tell you, for the sake of your kids:

Get over it and use the right words. For so many reasons.

For one thing, using the correct words teaches them that there is nothing to be ashamed about, that they can openly come to us with questions or problems, and that there isn’t anything inherently wrong or dirty or bad about any of their body parts. A four year old should be able to confidently, and without shame, tell his parents that his penis hurts.

It’s also important when talking with doctors and other medical professionals, so that they can voice where they have a problem, pain or concern. And if they’re ever touched inappropriately, they’ll have the correct terms to be able to describe what happened. Some studies even say that it makes them less likely to be touched inappropriately in the first place, since abusers are more likely to shy away from kids who are confident and knowledgeable about their bodies.

It makes it easier and more comfortable – for both parties – when we talk to our kids about body changes during puberty.

It makes it easier and more comfortable – for both parties – when we talk about sex.

It makes it easier and more comfortable – for both parties – when we talk about appropriate and inappropriate touch.

It makes it easier and more comfortable – for both parties – when we talk about body image and self-love.

While context is an important thing (ie: It’s okay to talk about your vagina; it’s not okay to CALL someone a vagina), the words themselves are not bad, dirty or wrong. They’re body parts. And the sooner we can get comfortable with them, the sooner our kids will be comfortable with them.

So teach your kids: Penis. Testicles. Vulva. Vagina. Labia. Clitoris. (Teach them what’s what, too!)

Please teach them the real words. If for no other reason, so they don’t turn into adults so afraid of proper terminology that they shame a 3 old for his excitement over finding out if he was going to have a brother or a sister.


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“Your Phone is Your Own Property”, and other screen time rules I give my kids

This article, titled “‘Your phone is not your property’ and other screen time rules I give my kids” is currently being shared far and wide. Unsurprisingly to anyone who reads my work, my perspective is a little bit different. While this mom is clearly a hard and fast rule kind of person, I tend not to see things in such black and white terms. Cell phone use, like just about everything else, is filled with shades of grey, and we do our kids no favors if we set such a hard line that they don’t even get the chance to learn how to navigate it.

Here are my responses to her rules, along with why they’re different.

Dinners are generally cell-phone free. I say “generally” because there’s no actual rule about it, although the 11 year old IS a fan of announcing “Family time!” if someone answers a text. There are six of us, so while we don’t typically have many phones at the table, there’s usually one or two. And nine times out of ten, I’m happy someone has one. It makes it so much easier to quickly Google that obscure thing we happened to be wondering about in one of our infamously random dinner time conversations. For the most part, we spend dinner eating and chatting together anyway. No rules necessary.

Be creative and flexible when trying to get work done.  Phones, like so many other things, can provide distractions. If it’s a problem for you, schedule in phone breaks! For example, set a timer and work for 20 minutes, then take a break for 5. I am working through my final few classes for my Psychology Bachelors, and I’m telling you…. having the option to “phone a friend” or play a quick game sometimes has been invaluable to me when writing papers or working on otherwise tedious assignments. I don’t keep my phone nearby ALL the time (I know my own limits), but it is extremely helpful when I’m in need of a break.

Plan for play time, and lots of it!  Regular downtime is so important, and shouldn’t have to wait for the weekends, especially when you’re a kid! Kids should be playing... whether that means outside in the creek, up in a tree house, or yes, on a console or computer playing a video game. Strict rules about when or where or for how long kids can play video games only makes them crave it more. When the limit is lifted, and an equilibrium is found, it becomes but one of a million options.

Figure out how your phone affects you at night.  Everyone is different, so blanket rules about cell phone usage never helps anyone. Some people do better if they shut their phone off a couple hours before sleep. Others sleep better if they play a few rounds of Sodoku right before bed. (That exact thing was actually suggested by a doctor, to a friend of mine with anxiety and insomnia. It helped.) Sometimes some of the best conversations I have with friends are late at night, when life is quiet and guards are down. Sometimes I need to knock off early, and I stick my phone on the charger by 9:00. If something isn’t working for you, we’ll work on a solution together.

Figure out how your phone affects you in the morning.  Just as with nighttime usage, morning cellphone usage varies from person to person. Some people might find it too much of a distraction to get ready on time, while others may be able to work it into their morning seamlessly. Whichever camp you fall into, life sometimes interferes, and mistakes sometimes happen. We won’t be mad if you’re late because of your phone, or any other reason. We will talk with you about strategies for next time.

Your phone is YOUR property.  The popular party line says that kids don’t own their phones. Their parents bought them and pay the bill, and therefore, they belong to the parents, not the kids. In the kindest way I can think to put this: That is some misguided and unfair BS. My kids’ phones (just like their clothes, their computers, and their other belongings) belong to them.

Is there conversation about internet usage and social media safety? Yes.

Is there ongoing communication about what sort of apps they’re using, games they’re playing, and friends they’re talking to? Yes.

Do I have their passwords and go through their phone and read their texts? NO! To do so would be to violate their privacy. And yes, children are deserving of privacy, too.

The one caveat? Safety, for yourself or others. If there is an actual threat of harm in some way, I would intervene in whatever means necessary, as would any caring parent. This is NOT the same thing as casually strolling through your daily history just because I’m the parent and I say so.

Our kids are living in a different world than the one we grew up in. And I’m thankful for that! What a cool thing to be able to walk around with fully connected, working computers in your pocket. Is it a responsibility? Of course. But the best thing I can do as a parent is work with my kids as they navigate that responsibility, not against them.


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Bipolar II – A Day in the Life

It’s really beautiful, the view from the top. So beautiful I want to cry. I’m flying. I’m invincible. I’m full of grand ideas and grand plans and grand words. So very many words. The world is my proverbial oyster, and dammit I’m going to hold onto that slippery little sucker with all of my might. And I do. I do hold onto it.

Until I don’t. Until something weird starts to creep in. It’s unpleasant and frenetic and exhausting, like a million neurons are firing at once. I can’t get comfortable in my own skin. I can’t sleep, because it’s more important that I research opening up my gym. Or coffee shop. Or buying the church that’s for sale on the corner.

I can’t sleep because my skin is crawling. Because my heart is pounding. Because I’m drowning in my own thoughts, and feelings, and words. Because there’s just not. enough. time. I’m scared and I’m exhilarated, all at the same time. I text a friend at 2:00 in the morning and then get my feelings hurt when she doesn’t respond.

And then my feelings are hurt all the time. My feelings are hurt by what you said, by what you didn’t say, by what I thought you meant. My feelings are hurt by my own active imagination and it is EXHAUSTING. It strangles me. I see what’s happening, I see it like I’m looking at a stranger, but I’m powerless to stop it. I don’t blame anyone for deciding they can’t be my friend, for deciding they hate me. I hate myself.

I’m not flying anymore. I’m sinking. Sinking and sinking and sinking. I could claw my way up, but the walls are slippery. The darkness is enticing. It swallows me whole. There’s no more color, there’s no more joy. There is blackness. Like a cloud that I carry with me everywhere I go. I go through the motions, but I’m not there. I’m ensconced in the ugly safety of my cloud. I’m oblivious to everything that isn’t darkness. I’m crying but I’m not SAD, and I’m offended by anyone who uses the word. I’m nothing. I’m a shell.

I have to force myself to shower, to leave the house, to see people. My God, people. I convince myself that I’ll never connect with another person as long as I live. Who’d want to connect with someone so broken? So dark and so lifeless? Who’d want to connect with someone who isn’t even connected to herself?

I’ve forgotten the view from the top. I’ve forgotten how beautiful it is.

And then, for a blissful and limited period of time I’m “normal.” My life is normal, my relationships are normal, my feelings are normal.

Until one day, without warning, I’m flying again.


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Embracing The “And”

The other day, I posted an article about video games, and the amount of learning that comes from them. (The article is here.) The comments were fairly predictable, ranging from “Right on!” to “No way. That’s ridiculous.” to “Glad it works for your kids; it’d never work for mine.” The ones that most interested me though were the ones that said something along the lines of, “Kids need to play outside/get fresh air/read books/use their imaginations/etc”

I used to think that way. In fact, I used to have black and white thinking about a lot of things. And then I discovered how very, very much I was missing out on because of it. The world is not black and white. The world is not either/or. It’s a million shades of grey and a million shades of technicolor.

You don’t have to choose between playing video games and playing outside. They are not mutually exclusive.

At the time of this writing, my kids range in age from 11 to 22. They all love their video games, and are welcome to play them as often as they’d like. They also love music, and being outdoors, and swimming, and hanging out with friends, and reading, and researching. None is more valuable than the other. They are options, all there for the taking. Just a couple of days ago, the two middle boys had friends over, and the group played board games and card games and hung out and chatted for nearly 11 hours straight.

You can love video games AND love spending time with your friends.

You can eat the salad AND eat the chocolate chip cookies.

You can hike the mountain AND snuggle down on the couch.

You can watch the movie AND read the book.

You can be honest AND kind.

You can be angry AND forgiving.

I think we get stuck in these black and white ruts and don’t realize that more often than not, there are options. There are “ands”. And yes, absolutely, sometimes there’s not a choice. Sometimes life throws us curve balls. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t love. That much is true. But what a gift we give ourselves and our kids when we find the “ands!” One of the reasons I chose to homeschool (and particularly unschool) was precisely because I wanted my kids to have as many choices as I could give them. I wanted to make their worlds larger. It makes me sad to see homeschooled children whose lives have been made smaller, not the other way around.

I want my kids to do what makes them happy in the moment. I want them to know that they can play the video game and read the book and hang out with their friends and play the instrument and go outside and sit and think and ponder and putter just….. BE.

And likewise, I can go to school, and take care of the house, and write, and plan a conference, AND be an engaged, present mother. And when I feel one slipping? It’s time to readjust, that’s all. I’ll admit it, it’s easy for me to jump straight into the black and white thinking of, “That’s it, I’ve failed at everything, I might as well stop trying.” That’s often my first thought if I’m being honest. But someone once told me that our first thought – especially if it’s a negative one – is usually wrong. And in this case it’s true. I have choices. I have “ands.” I can adjust. I can decide. And if that means making big and/or scary changes? That’s okay too.

There are choices. There are ands.

I’m not afraid of my kids playing video games any more than I’m afraid of them reading a book. If they play games all day one day? Cool. If they read all day one day? Cool. I don’t worry, because my kids don’t have the baggage that I’ve had to overcome. They don’t have the all-or-nothing thinking that makes us desperately, obsessively (and unhealthily) cling to one choice over another.

They know there are ands. And they use them.

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