Join My Super Secret Club

Being a parent (and an adult and a human) is hard sometimes, and we’re not meant to do it alone.

I created this newsletter because I wanted to be able to communicate with all of you in a more intimate way.  If you’d like to receive a regular email from me to you, filled with news, tips, stories and inspiration not shared anywhere else, sign up below.

Why should I sign up?

Because I’m awesome.  Just kidding.  Well, mostly kidding.  My dog thinks I’m awesome. These people think I’m pretty cool too:

“I want you to know that I think you’re awesome. I’ve pretty much not read anything except your blog in every spare moment for the past week, so now I feel like we’re friends. And I appreciate what you’re doing and that you’re taking the time to help people like me better understand this lifestyle. Thank you!!” ~ Shelsy J.

“Your words and message have emboldened me to be more confident in my parenting. You are an amazing mom. Thank you!” ~ Chelsea S.

“Thanks again for all you do. Your page inspires me daily.” ~ Sara W.

Being a parent means more to me than anything else I’ve ever done, and I love to share what I’ve learned with others!

Of course, I promise never to use your email for anything other than the newsletter, and you can unsubscribe at any time with the click of a button.

Join the other cool kids, and I’ll give you a cookie (Okay, I won’t really give you a cookie. But I wish I could!!)

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