Who are you?
A God-loving, free-thinking, system-bucking, life-learning mom, sister, wife, and friend. College student. Writer. Conference organizer. Yoga teacher. Project starter. Cupcake baker. Food and coffee lover. Explorer. Artist. Lover of television, movies, books, and all things paper. Empathetic badass. Bipolar survivor. Introvert (an INFJ for those people who are into that sort of thing). And, according to my dog, Django: the very best thing to ever grace the mortal realm.
What’s this blog about & why should I read it?
Mostly issues and ideas surrounding gentle parenting and unschooling these days, but before that it was really more of a journal of our day-to-day life as unschoolers. It evolves. I also write about my faith, my mental health, and current events. Sometimes I write about things that have nothing to do with anything. Why should you read it? Because I believe I’ve had a couple of good nuggets to share here and there, and writers get really excited when people read what they wrote. Also, I like to think I’m funny sometimes, and I am always, always real.
Is Jennifer McGrail your real name? Do you use your kids’ real names?
Yes, and yes. And my husband’s too. Everyone else is pretty anonymous (ie: a “friend”, a “family member”)
Don’t you worry about privacy or internet predators?
Can I write a guest post for you?
I tend not to do too many guest posts as a general rule, other than occasionally from people that I already know and trust, but if you’ve got an amazing and relevant idea, you can ask!
Can you review my book?
Maybe. I really enjoy reading new books when I have time, and I’m happy to endorse books I believe in. However, it’s really awkward and uncomfortable for me when I read something I don’t want to endorse… so I’m accepting books cautiously these days.
Can you do a giveaway/review of my product?
I like doing giveaways on occasion. So if you have something that you think would be relevant and fun for my readers… sure, let’s chat!
Can I share my MLM business opportunity with you?
No thank you.
Can you share my blog / book / website / business / cause with your readers?
I do share all of the above, when it’s of my own volition, and I have something I want to pass on and think you’ll all appreciate. But I rarely do so out of random solicitation. Sorry.
Why didn’t you answer my email???
Because my daughter needed me to make her a sandwich. Because there were bills to pay. Because my husband’s battery died, and he needed me to go to the park & ride to give him a jump. Because I had to get my twelve year old to theater rehearsal. Because the laundry hadn’t been done for awhile and people were starting to complain about a lack of socks. Because a dog or a cat or a human started throwing up. Because someone was bleeding. Because I had to study for an upcoming test. In other words, because sometimes I get a lot of emails, and I’m a busy mom with four kids and a husband and a house and a hectic life, so I have to prioritize. My family comes first, every time. I do read and appreciate every email very much! But as much as I would like to be able to answer them all, sometimes I’m just not able to do so.
Can I talk to you on the phone?
If we’re related by blood, and you’re calling to wish me happy birthday. Otherwise, probably not.
Can you write more about *this*, and less about *that*?
I’m definitely happy to take suggestions and ideas for new posts, and when enough people request the same thing, I’ll often write about it. And, if you send me questions, I’ll likely include them in either one of my Q&A posts or videos. But, my blog = my rules. So, no, I won’t stop writing about something just because you don’t like it.
You’re an idiot… a terrible writer… holier-than-thou… a sanctimommy. Your kids are going to grow up to be entitled… rude… self-centered….. disrespectful drug addicts or criminals.
Those aren’t questions.
I don’t like the way you worded that / I don’t like that you used a swear word in that post
Those aren’t questions either, but… I’m sorry to hear that. And I’ve had this blog for fifteen years, and have used any sort of profanity, what… a dozen times? Hide your eyes if you need to, but it will happen again.
How long did you have your dreads / why did you have them?
3 years. I posted about them a few times, here.
Why’d you comb them out?
Because I was done. And because I really wanted to comb my hair, and feel the hot water of a shower on my scalp. Yes, I miss them, but no, I don’t think I’ll do them again.
What are you studying in school?
In 2017, I went back to college at the ripe young age of 43 to pursue a degree in Psychology. I have been hard-core geeking out about it ever since. I will graduate with my BA in June, 2020.
How can you call yourself a Christian??
Actually I don’t. I much prefer the term “follower of Christ.” But here’s the thing… your opinion about my doing yoga, or advocating for gay rights, or speaking out against spanking, or using the word “ass” on occasion (now it’s more than a dozen, dammit!) has zero effect on my own personal relationship with God. I am more at peace with my spiritual walk than I have ever, ever been, and I don’t feel at all called to defend it to you. Thanks though, for the concern.
Can I send you a book that will help you with your salvation?
Why’d you take down your blog / FB page???
Because I’m a big introvert (see question one), and sometimes it’s all just too much. It’s an act of self-preservation. I try really hard not to do it every time I get the inkling….. but, sometimes it’s just what needs to be done. So far, my track record for eventually coming back though is 100%.
Can I ask another question that isn’t listed here?
Sure! (Just don’t call me on the phone to ask it :))
I enjoyed your article, “Why I (continue to) take a stand against organized religion”. It resonates in many ways with my own journey. I do not see many souls who live in such a courageous place openly. Than you for sharing. I was hyper religious, fearful, depressed and unhappy. My breaking free was tremendous and I continue to heal and recover from the sickness of religious dogma. But I have discovered the power of the Divine Feminine. There is more to God than just Male. Love and compassion are action words. Peace.