Are you a Christian?
I like to call myself a Christ-follower. It’s the best, and simplest, way I’ve found to describe my faith. I don’t like organized religion, and I don’t like much of what American Christianity stands for. But I do believe in God, and I do believe in Jesus. I believe that Jesus taught us everything we need to know about living on the earth and how to treat (love) others.
Do you go to church?
Mike and I grew up attending the same type of church. In fact, we met at church camp, and went to the same Christian college for a year. My early church experience eventually left me burnt out and disillusioned. (You can read my story here.) We left the church sometime in the early 2000’s. We did try a few different non-denominational churches over the next several years, but ultimately decided that we preferred staying home on Sundays. At this time, we haven’t gone to church in several years.
Would you ever consider going back?
Possibly. But not to the church we grew up in. My daughter’s theater group meets at a church that is LGBT confirming, that feeds homeless people sack lunches every day, that hosts a big potluck dinner for the disadvantaged every month, and offers mobile showers and free haircuts for people who need them. They also had this sign in their courtyard over the holiday season:
THAT’S the kind of church I’d want to go.
How do you feel about the Bible?
I like the Bible… as part history book, part metaphor, and part blueprint on how to live (the New Testament).
How can you believe in the Bible, and not physically discipline your kids?
Because Jesus would never, ever hit a child.
But what about the “rod” verses?
Rods were used by shepherds to guide sheep, not hit them.
How can you believe in the Bible and not think that homosexuality is a sin?
Because I think that a handful of scriptures have been taken out of context, and that the Christian church has used them to historically treat the LGBT community poorly for years. Because I hate the fact that railing against LGBT individuals, this already marginalized segment of society, has become such a pet cause for so many Christians. And finally, because I follow Jesus, and Jesus never mentioned homosexuality. Not one time. You can read more, and explore some of the links that helped me, here.
How can you believe in the Bible and not think it’s dangerous to do yoga?
Because yoga is a methodology, not a theology. You can read more about yoga as it pertains to faithhere.
Do you believe in a literal heaven and hell?
You know what? I’m not entirely sure what I believe. And that’s okay. I’ve learned that my spiritual walk can have just as many questions as answers. That questions are important, and that there are always new things to learn. That said: I do believe in some iteration of heaven, but I’m not so sure about hell.
What do you think a person needs to do in order to be “saved”?
I like what it says in Ephesians 2:8-9:
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”
Do you think other religions, or lack thereof, are wrong?
No! I think faith begins and ends with being personal, and as such, there is no way that I can tell someone else that their path is wrong, just because it looks different than mine. Is it loving? Is it kind? That’s what I care about, not where your beliefs happen to take you on Sunday morning.
But what about bringing other people to God? Don’t you think you have a responsibility to spread the news?
I think that so much of what’s done in the name of “spreading the news” has actually turned people AWAY from God, not towards Him. No one likes to be judged. I think that the best thing I – and any Christ follower – can do is to live my life out loud. To practice what I preach. To strive to treat others with the same love, kindness, and compassion I’d like to be shown myself. To behave more like Jesus, who made it his life’s work teach others to “love their neighbors as themselves.” ALL their neighbors, but especially the “least of these.” Matthew 25:40: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”