Every Tuesday, I’ll choose a question or two to answer here on my blog, as long as the questions last. Want to ask me about unschooling or parenting or anything else I write about (which is, uh, pretty much everything)? Send them here, or post on my Facebook page.
Here’s today’s question, and it’s another one that I get a lot:
How do unschoolers learn advanced math like algebra, geometry, etc, and proper writing like essay writing, MLA format and the like? I’m starting my unschooling journey in a few months and my hubby is concerned about these things.
First, I need to start out by asking: Do you use advanced math in your daily life? Because I don’t. I use very basic math and algebraic concepts for things like shopping, baking, figuring out tips, etc. For many, many people, that’s the only math they will ever need. Even my husband, who went into a math-related field largely because it was a strength of his and as such was always pushed as a career path, rarely uses more than the basics.
If something is a must-learn in an individual’s life, it will present itself… and along with it, an opportunity to learn it in a real and applicable way that makes sense for the learner. If it’s not necessary in life, and it doesn’t present itself, why would you need to learn it in the first place?
If an unschooler wants or needs (for example: for a certain chosen career path, a college plan, or just an innate desire) to learn an advanced math, there are a literally unlimited number of ways for him to do so. There are free websites such as Khan Academy. There are online courses. There are family and friends and mentors. There are college classes (lots of unschoolers choose to take classes well before they are “college age”). There are books. There are DVDs. There are moments of play and discovery and epiphanies with calculators and other tools. Just try and stop an interested and engaged child from learning about math! Can’t do it.
Likewise, “proper” writing like essays is something with a very limited application that not everyone is going to want or need. I haven’t written a proper essay since college, and I’m not ashamed at all to admit that I don’t even know what MLA format is. I’ve made it forty years on this planet without that knowledge, and I’m doing okay. 😉 But just like with math, when or if a child (or an adult for that matter) wants to learn something writing-related, the answer is never more than a click or a Google search away.
And it’s not that I’m minimizing the importance of learning certain things, because yes – absolutely – some people are going to need to know advanced trigonometry. Some people are going to need to know how to write a killer essay. Some people are going to need to know what MLA format is. But what I need to know as a mom, a writer, and a yoga teacher, is going to be vastly different from what my husband needs to know as a budget and payroll director. Which is going to be vastly different from what our oldest, who’s studying small engine repair, needs to know. Which is going to be vastly different from what our fourteen year old, who’s interested in computers, needs to know. Etc.
No one knows what knowledge, skills, or tools are going to be useful for another person on their particular life path. And the beauty of unschooling is that you don’t have to know! Your job as an unschooling parent isn’t to impart a certain set of “must-know” facts. Your job as an unschooling parent is to help provide the people, places, tools, and experiences that enable them to learn what they need to know, when they need to know it. Your job is to nurture and foster their natural and intrinsic desire to grow and learn, so that when they DO need or want to learn something – whether it’s geometry, writing an essay, or baking a cake – they can do so. Easily, naturally, and in a way that makes sense for them.