I write in a journal daily, but that wasn’t always the case. I started journal writing when I was old enough to hold a pencil, and have kept up the habit somewhat sporadically ever since. I filled several in junior high, several in high school, and then just went in phases, sometimes skipping years at a time. But at the beginning of this year (January 1st in fact, because I’m cheesy like that), I committed to daily writing again, and haven’t skipped a day yet.
Some days, I write multiple pages. Some days I write a paragraph. And some days….. some days all I can muster is a single word. And it’s usually not a polite word.
Today’s a single word kind of day. And I decided – in a flash of inspiration as I drove to CVS to get something the nine year old needed for a project – that I would counteract the day (both in my journal, and right now in this blog post) – with gratitude. I do that sometimes on my personal Facebook page, but not with any real regularity. And I should, because it helps. It sounds very woo, and corny, and Oprah-esque, but there really is always something to be grateful for.
So I hereby give you my first four-letter-day gratitude list. (And I encourage you to write your own!) I’m listing five, for no other reason than the fact that it’s a nice tidy number.
1. New friends. Of course, I’m grateful for old friends too, but today’s about new friends.
2. Familiarity. You know how when you’re at your own house, everything’s just…. familiar? I’m sitting in “my” spot on the couch. I’ve got my laptop on my lap. I hear the hum of the fan. I’m drinking tonic water (which became my “fancy” drink after I gave up alcohol) My daughter’s singing. There are sounds of someone cooking in the kitchen. It feels familiar and it feels like home.
3. Technology. This one’s a mixed bag, for sure, because I seem to spend just as much of my time frustrated with technology as I do enjoying it. But Technology. Is. Amazing. It allowed me to complete and submit all my schoolwork today (including a resume, the first one I’ve ever written). It allowed me get about a million questions answered. It allowed me to chat with a friend, on and off, for the entire day. Technology helps my life to be better, fuller, and more convenient.
4. The desert. I never knew I’d enjoy the desert as much as I do, but the desert in general has become one of my favorite places. The desert is my church. Yesterday, we went for a nearly 8 mile hike, and came home exhausted, dusty… and clear-headed and relaxed. Desert hikes are easily one of the best things about living in Phoenix.
5. Tomorrows. Yes, we’re never guaranteed a tomorrow, but I like to think about tomorrows because 1) It’s just hopeful, and hope is good. 2) Tomorrow means I’m still here, and 3) Tomorrow is a new day, and a fresh start.
This is the quote that greets me when I open my bullet journal:
“Courage doesn’t allows roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day, saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” ~ Mary Ann Radmacher