Category Archives: projects

Decorating on a Shoestring

Day 1 – Take a trip to the dollar store for something new to decorate for Christmas.

We have a Dollar Tree right on our corner. I love Dollar Tree because: 1. Everything’s a dollar, and 2. They literally have EVERYTHING. I’ve yet to do it, but if I really really wanted to, I could buy a pair of underwear for a dollar. While I tend to buy my underwear elsewhere, the dollar store is awesome for candy, spices, office and paper supplies, gift bags, etc. And it’s perfect for small, seasonal items that cost 10 times as much in other stores (but really aren’t any better quality)

Today the boys picked some Christmas sun catchers to paint, some window clings, garland to put on the mantel with the advent calendar, and some little decorative white doves. I also got a pretty runner for my table, new dry erase markers, and my can’t-leave-without-them box of Milk Duds. Total cost: $12. The little countdown chalkboard was also a dollar store purchase, from last year.

The garland was so long I was able to cut it in half, and have one for both of my fire places:

Tegan was sleeping when the boys painted their suncatchers:

But she loved putting little snowflakes on the windows when she woke up:

Tomorrow we’re venturing a little further from home..

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Filed under Christmas, projects

Just a Big, Huge, Blog

Though I’m pretty sure it defies all laws of the time and space continuum for it to be possible, today is the last day of November. Which means that tomorrow is December 1st. Which means…. CHRISTMAS SEASON! But before I can talk about Christmas (and boy howdy, can I talk about Christmas) I have to lay November to rest.

What a November it was.

First, today I logged the 50,017th word of my novel, bringing it to completion – for now – and earning me all the rights, privileges and honors of being a 2009 NanoWrimo winner. What does it mean? Absolutely nothing. But it did get me this nifty little web badge, and well, I admit I got quite a thrill when I pushed “submit” that final time and saw a congratulatory fireworks display.

I learned a lot by doing the project, not the least of which is that writing 50,000 words in 30 days is a lot of writing! I missed one single day, and ended up staying up half the night catching up. I learned that despite my penchant for dabbling, for trying something new then moving on when it gets too boring (or hard or tedious or un-interesting) I can in fact see something through to completion when it’s really important to me. Yes, I threatened to quit about, oh, 23 of the 30 days, but I did not. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I learned how satisfying it was to really devote time to my own pursuit. One of the few things that gave me pause about doing it was that it meant time away from my kids. Not only did they survive the month, but they were also incredibly supportive and interested in what I was doing. I think I’ve had such a great frustration with everyone’s need to get away from their kids (and I do still have that frustration… seeing people complain about having their kids home from school for 2 whole weeks for Christmas vacation? Sad.) that I’ve overcompensated. And well… I don’t spend huge amounts of time away from my kids, and I don’t send them to school, and I don’t make them cry it out so they’ll learn to fall asleep on their own. Those things won’t change. But this past month has shown me that I can – and should– have my own interests and pursuits, and that when I do, my children will show me the same support that I’ve always tried to show them.

And while I’m on the subject of support: Paxton and Everett both had their final games of the fall season this month, and were so excited to have their grandparents, aunt, and uncle there to watch. Paxton burned it up on the pitcher’s mound…

while Everett celebrated with a pizza party with his team…

I haven’t loaded anything onto Photobucket for eons now (see my earlier mention of my quitting something when it ceases to be interesting) but I do have lots of new pictures on Facebook, including Halloween and our most recent trip to the zoo.

On a sad note, on November 22nd I said goodbye to my cat and companion of 19 years (19 years!), Zoya. I was with her when she died, and while there was some comfort in knowing that she was not alone when she passed, it was by far one of the most difficult things that I’ve ever done. I miss her like crazy, and the rawness of my heart cast more than a few clouds over the following week – which unfortunately included Mike’s vacation, and Thanksgiving, both of which were lovely in spite of everything.

And tomorrow, tomorrow we start another new month, and our official countdown to Christmas. The tree is trimmed, the stockings are hung, and the advent envelopes are loaded with twenty five cool things to do as a family.

Just like last year, I’m going to try to post daily pictures and blogs, in an effort to document my favorite month of the year. (Says my husband as he sees me blogging: “Aren’t you sick of writing? You just wrote every day for a month.” And the answer is HECK NO! I am estatic to have time for my blog once again. This is the fun stuff.)

In addition to the advent calendar in the picture above, this year we’re also doing a Jesse Tree.

One of the great things about having a strong faith in God, but not belonging to any one specific church or denomination, is that we learn from, and appreciate, customs from so many different places. I actually got the idea for the Jesse Tree from a Catholic website (I am not, nor have I ever been, Catholic) It is wonderful! Each day we’ll hang a new ornament with a different picture. The pictures all correspond to a different bible passage, starting with creation and leading up to the birth of Jesus. So far we’ve done a dove, standing for peace and harmony; an apple for Adam and Eve; and today was an ark.

I love the marrying of family fun with reflection on the season, and I am so completely excited to experience the next 25 days with the kids.

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Filed under Christmas, family, projects, writing

Signs of Fall

Changing leaves, pumpkin pies, cooler weather, football games.

Except…we’d have to drive a bit further north to see changing leaves. I haven’t had a pumpkin pie since last Thanksgiving. The weather is still, sadly, hot. And the boys are in baseball, not football. But it IS still undeniably fall in Phoenix, and it is wonderful! Fall feels like a fresh start, full of energy and promise. Makes me want to go buy a Trapper Keeper (anyone know if they still make Trapper Keepers??), a new pack of pencils, and shiny new shoes.

And I want to eat lots and lots of these…

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Filed under fall, projects

Dora and the Emmys

Everett saw these Dora cupcakes on TV, and wanted to make them this weekend. They turned out very cute, and we had fun making them.

They did not however, take one hour to make like the recipe stated. It took us an entire afternoon! But in the interest of full disclosure, Rachael Ray 30 minute meals are good for at least an hour of my time as well.

Still, it was a fun little project, and the perfect dessert for our annual Emmy-watching carpet picnic.

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Filed under Everett, projects

The Maker and the Clay

Last week Everett pulled out their little pottery wheel. It was on a shelf in the toy room, one of many things unearthed as we worked on getting the rooms sorted and ready to switch. The clay that was in the box was a year old, and subsequently rock-hard, so we picked up a refill on Friday. All three boys spent the afternoon up to their elbows in clay. These are a few of their creations.

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And the littlest bed fit just right….

This past weekend we got Tegan her first bed, the latest step in the ongoing Great Room Swap. Mike set it up last night, and Tegan is utterly thrilled. While she most likely won’t be sleeping in it for a good long while, (she’s very content sleeping next to Mom) Everett is happy to keep it warm for her until she’s ready. In the meantime, she keeps disappearing into the room to climb on and off, on and off, all with a proud, happy smile on her face.

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Filed under projects, Tegan

Homemade Yogurt

Thanks Erika!

When I first read my friend’s post about making yogurt, something I’ve never done before, I decided I should try it. When I mentioned it to my mom – who is my guru when it comes to all things homemade, from lip balm to lotion to roasted coffee beans – she said “Oh I make my own yogurt every week!” Was everyone making yogurt but me?

I took the kids to the store on Monday to buy a candy thermometer, and we made our first-ever batch of yogurt that same afternoon. The recipe calls for an entire gallon of milk, but the girl who posted it recommended starting off with a quart until you get the feel for it.

I’m not one to start off small though. Why tiptoe when you can fling yourself headfirst? If I’m going to try something, I’m going to try it. My husband will attest to this fact, as will the closet filled with tubs of lip balm and baby hair clip supplies. But I digress.

We used this recipe, and it is GOOD!!! We’ve been eating it every day since. The only thing I will change the next time around – and there most decidedly WILL be a next time – is to leave it in its hot bath for a bit longer to produce a firmer texture. We left it vanilla flavored this time, but I’m hoping there are some fresh berries in our produce baskets this weekend!

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Filed under projects

Trading Spaces

This is what the boys’ room looked like today. In a few weeks, it will – hopefully – look very different. There’s a big project going down.

When we first moved into this house 2 1/2 years ago, Everett was still co-sleeping, the big boys wanted to share a room, and of course the baby wasn’t even yet conceived. So this three-bedroom house had more than enough rooms, and everyone was happy. Now though, things have changed, and we’re experiencing some growing pains. We talked about the solutions, and a project was born. Spencer and Paxton will be moving (along with all their stuff) to the toy room slash spare room slash guest room slash all-around major thorn-in-my-side.

This will mean sorting through the toys and games and books and STUFF that is already there, and moving the younger things to their old room that will now be shared by Everett and Tegan… and either tossing, donating, or organizing the rest. It will mean moving furniture, posters, trophies and doo-dads. It will mean time and energy and decorating and painting. My big hope and prayer though is that it will mean 4 happy kids when it’s all completed.

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Filed under projects

My Little Weekend Project

I posted this on my Debt Blog, but for those of you who don’t read it, I wanted to post it here as well. I started a website for my stay-at-home-mom friends (well, really for anybody, but especially those moms who want to bring in a few extra dollars to help make ends meet) The site is eventually going to grow, but for now it is focused squarely on making money through online surveys…. my history, some tips & faqs, and my own personal list of the best paying sites. Check it out.

Best Free Survey Sites

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Filed under money, projects

The critters are coming, the critters are coming!

The boys got a lot of live Christmas presents this year. The day after Christmas we sent in 6 order forms for praying mantis eggs, ants, worms, caterpillars, and tadpoles. Most of them will take a few weeks, but the praying mantis eggs arrived this weekend. Santa didn’t read the praying mantis kit very carefully, because we were shocked to learn that we were receiving 100-200 eggs, and that they’d all have to be put into separate containers before they grew and were released. Surprise! The egg sack is in the habitat, and we’re faithfully watching them every day. They should start hatching in 2 or 3 weeks – giving us some time to come up with 100 jars – and it can’t come soon enough for Everett, who doesn’t quite understand how long a week is yet. He’s been looking at it hopefully every morning for the past few days, and announcing, “They haven’t hatched YET?!” I can’t wait to see the look on his face when they do make their appearance.

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Filed under homeschooling, kids, projects