2015 wasn’t my most favorite year.
There were some big stressors. There was physical pain. There were chronic medical issues. There were dozens of appointments and tests and procedures that accompanied said medical issues. There was depression, its good friend anxiety, and their frequent cohort insomnia.
And of course – absolutely – 2015 had its lovely moments too. It did. But overall, it kind of… well, it bit.
So it was with huge amounts of relief and gratefulness that I welcomed in the new year.
And I realize that it’s kind of silly: The number on the calendar doesn’t change anything. Every day is a new start, if you choose to look at it that way. But the same part of me that will forever be inspired by the mere thought of brand new Trapper Keepers and the smell of freshly sharpened pencils in the fall, will also always be school-girl excited at the official start of another trip around the sun… especially when it comes on the heels of a less-than-stellar year.
So far, 2016 has been good to me!
Last week, I returned from a little five day mini-vacation visiting friends in Michigan. I almost didn’t go. Not because I didn’t want to go (I did, desperately), but because it just felt like it all might be too much, and that the timing might be all wrong. See above about pain and anxiety, et al.
I am so glad I went! It turns out the timing couldn’t have been more perfect, and it was a lovely way to usher in the new year.
For five days, I got to hit the “reset” button, and focus on nothing but visiting and playing and chatting and being, all with a good friend by my side.
I went to a henna party.
I got a new piercing.
I saw my favorite alt rock band on the planet.
I drank a lot of Captain and Cokes.
I took a gorgeous walk through the Michigan snow (on my birthday, no less!).

A word about snow and cold, if I may. I don’t miss it, but I miss the IDEA of it. I miss how beautiful it makes everything look, I miss the crispness, I miss its energy, I miss how alive it makes you feel. It was lovely to visit (especially on my birthday; how cool is that??) and it was lovely to ditch the heavy layers once I landed back in Phoenix.
And now, back home, real life beckons. Yesterday, I took the 11 year old to the doctor for a sports injury. Today I go to the dentist for what I’m positive will result in a root canal. Nothing has changed and yet…. everything has changed, because I got a much-needed break, and with it a new perspective. I’m genuinely excited for the rest of 2016, whatever it may bring.
TL:DR When your life has gone offline, sometimes stepping away for a few days helps. A lot. Snowstorms and rock bands optional.
P.S. My website is going to be down for a few days while I give it a face lift. Thanks for being awesome and patient.