I am a pen and paper girl.
Electronics and computers and phone apps have their place of course, but when it comes to calendars and schedules and to-do lists I need to write it down. I’ve tried all the apps (and some of them are amazing, to be sure), but without fail I always go back to my true love: old fashioned pen and paper.
A friend introduced me to the Erin Condren life planners a couple of years ago, and they have been one of my favorite things ever since.
By the way, this is NOT a sponsored giveaway. This is me giving something away that I have an extra of (I’ll explain why in a minute) and subsequently gushing about why I love it, girlfriends-drinking-coffee-together style. With the exception of the $10 off link I’ll give down below, in case anyone decides to buy from Erin Condren, I have no financial interest here at all.
Having said that, I adore these planners!

A peek inside a random sample page in my own planner… complete with washi tape, and Snoopy stickers 🙂
Beautiful, functional, sturdy, and inspirational. I write in, and refer to, my planner over and over, week after week. It’s perfect for to-do lists, reminders for emails I have to answer, blog posts I need to write… and keeping track of appointments and play dates and football practice in my 3-D life too. 🙂 And, bonus, it’s just so pretty.
When I recently ordered my planner for 2016, they mistakenly sent me my order and someone else’s. I emailed them right away to let them know. Within just a couple of hours they had gotten back to me to thank me, and told me that they’d send out a new one to the other customer, and to just keep or give away or toss the other one so I wouldn’t have to be hassled with sending anything back to them. (1. Hurray for AWESOME customer service, and 2. Would anyone actually THROW AWAY a perfectly good $50 planner?? I cry at the thought)
So, their error is your gain! I would love for the extra planner to go to one of my beautiful readers.
I replaced the personalized cover with “The Best is Yet to Come” cover that came on my own planner before I bought one with my name (full disclosure: it’s a little scuffed from sitting in my desk drawer). You can either keep it as-is, or order yourself a personalized cover from their website (covers are about $10) The inside is brand-new and untouched and crisp and beautiful. If you’re unfamiliar with Erin Condren, these are heavy-duty, spiral-bound planners. They have laminated tabs to easily flip to the right month, a removable plastic ruler/bookmark to keep your place, a monthly view and a weekly view for each month, a few pages of lined, gridded, and blank notebook pages at the end, a couple pages of stickers for birthdays and appointments, some more pages of blank stickers, and a folder and a ziplock pouch in the back filled with even more stickers and little freebies. They’ve truly thought of everything.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that my heart is fluttering even just looking at the pictures again.
If you’re like me, and get excited about all things pen and paper, enter to win below. I will personally send it out to the winner as soon as the giveaway is over.
If you don’t win (or you just can’t wait), you can use this link* for $10 off your first purchase from the Erin Condren website:
Winner will be drawn on Monday, November 23rd. Good luck! **Winner has been drawn and notified. Thank you!!**
*affiliate link