Yesterday was Everett’s opening day. It was also produce basket day, which meant that we got two lovely containers of fresh blueberries, which meant that I was compelled to make muffins for breakfast… which meant that we dawdled, were late, and had to rush to get Everett there in time to line up with his team. Despite the self-imposed craziness, we made it in time, and Everett got to join his coaches and teammates for the introductions on the field.
After the opening ceremonies, there was a carnival, complete with a bouncy house, little carnival games and food. Tegan was tired and unhappy:
So we took her and the big boys home to snack and rest, while Everett stayed to enjoy the carnival with friends. When we returned for his game a little while later, she was rejuvenated and happy to play on the playground next to his field, and Everett was thrilled to play his first official game of the season. He hit two live pitches, made a couple of great plays out on the field, and kept his little Everett grin all the while.
After the game, we headed right back out to meet up with friends at Hogs N Heat, an outdoor barbeque at a great little cafe (known for its insanely delicious pies). There was music, dancing, karaoke, and campy little Western shows… complete with sheriffs, gun fights, and “ladies of the night.” Fun. It was great to just sit, relax, and laugh for the evening. The kids ran around – and around and around – and just generally enjoyed the night. Of course after they chowed down on some pulled meat, and got their faces painted…
The night ended with us watching the kids laughing as they threw and played keep-away with someone’s football, wrestled (playfully) on the ground, and eventually beaned each other with a plastic water bottle.
They were sufficiently worn out by the time we made our way back out to the car, and were happy, tired, and thankful for a lazy and rainy – oh so very rainy – last day of the weekend.