There’s a scene in the movie, Mean Girls, that’s been on a continuous loop in my head (Mean Girls, by the way, is a movie you should immediately watch when you’re done reading this. One of the most ridiculous and quotable cult classics ever). In this one scene, the guidance counselor is doing a team-building exercise with all the girls in the school, and they’re taking turns getting up onto the stage in the gym, apologizing publicly for something, then trust-falling into the arms of the crowd below. This one girl gets up, in tears, and says:
“I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school… I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy…”
Someone yells from behind the crowd, “She doesn’t even go to this school!”
And when asked if she does attend, the girl responds through her tears,
“No…. I just have a lot of feelings…”
It’s of course played to be funny, and it was funny… but it also kind of breaks my heart a little. Because I AM the girl with all the feelings. Mike and I will often joke that one of the things that makes our marriage work is that we’re opposite but complimentary extremes in so many ways.
He has no feelings. I have ALL the feelings. Sometimes Often Pretty much all the time, I walk through life as one big, weeping, bleeding feeling. And often my grasp on not drowning on said feelings is… tenuous.
It’s a great paradox to me as a writer, because so very much of who I am comes from that same, raw, tender spot in my heart. The part of me that makes me creative, that allows me to share, that enables me to use words to paint pictures is the same part that makes me so, so sensitive to the fallout. The same part that makes sharing so painful and vulnerable in the first place. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem fair that I seem to so badly need to share myself in some way, and at the same time have such difficulty dealing with what comes along with it.
I want to pull down my blog (along with my personal online presence) at least once a week. I know when I’m headed for protective, breakdown mode when that desire starts to get more frequent. Lately, I’ve been wanting to do it approximately 17 times a day. I’ve not been in a good place emotionally, and coupled with not sleeping, the simplest of negative online interactions are making me unravel.
Yesterday I was the recipient of some unkindness from someone I went to church with about a hundred years ago. I entered into a highly charged topic of discussion on Facebook, against my better judgement, and was rewarded by having my parenting decisions and my intelligence attacked and disparaged. The parenting attacks get me the most, because it is so very, very personal. It’s my life’s work. My heart. My soul. I’ve been a parent for 18 years, and I’m a good parent. And coming from a fellow Christian? Those tend to be the conversations that sting the most, because 1) I am still carrying a lot of hurt and damage from my church upbringing, and interactions like that just rip off the barely formed scab, so I’m basically walking around as an open wound that never gets the chance to heal, and 2) I still have the silly notion that we’re supposed to be… I don’t know…. nice to each other.
It just about undid me.
And when I got up this morning, after another night of tossing and turning and not having slept, and sat down at my computer to write a new post… there was nothing there. Nothing helpful or positive or witty anyway. Just brokenness and fatigue. Someone once told me, one of the last times I shared a similar post, that perhaps a personal journal would be a more appropriate place for such thoughts. Well I have a journal. It’s a veritable uncensored stream of emotions and crazy. But this blog is journal-like too, in that it’s streaming from the same personal, tender place. It’s just a “tone down the crazy in case my mom reads it” (even though she doesn’t) version.
So why am I sharing? In equal parts for myself – it’s cathartic for my weary soul to transfer it from my head to the screen – and for you, too. I think it’s only fair that if I share the happy and the upbeat and the positive, that I should also share the positively broken open.
I’m not going anywhere. I’m still here. Still writing. Still reading your comments.
I’m just a little fragile. And I’m the girl with all the feelings. So if you’ve been waiting for just the right time to start following the adage, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” right now would be great.
And if you held your arms up and caught me when I trust-falled off the stage, that would be great too.