The meme that follows was posted by someone I used to go to church with. (If you want to read about my history with church, and how I ended up where I am today, start here.) I found it pretty intolerant, unloving, and overall abhorrent … so I fixed it.

I will always care if you’re gay or transgender, because being true to who you are is important. I hope that you will continue share your life with me, and continue to live out loud. I will love you for exactly who you are, and I will thank you for letting me see your authentic self.
I will always care what color you are, because truly seeing you means seeing ALL of you, including your color. I hope that you will continue to show me how I can better understand my privilege, and how I can be a better ally.
I will always care about your political affiliation, because in order to learn from one another, we need to be open and honest. I hope that you will continue to hold up a mirror to my own affiliations, so that I can truly examine where I am coming from, and why I feel the way I do.
I will always care where you were born, because your history is an important part of who you are. I hope that you will continue to teach me how my history intersects with your own, and how my ancestors altered the course of your life.
I will always care about your beliefs, because many different beliefs are valid, and beautiful, and something that can help me grow. I hope that you will continue to tell me if my beliefs are showing themselves as loving and inclusive, and when I have missed the mark.
I hope that I always find new ways to be more patient and tolerant,
and I hope you know that hundreds of millions of us feel the same way.

Love this! Thank you.
This brought a tear to my eye. I adore the way you continue to be the light on the hill giving voice to kindness, grace, and genuine love of others.
I love this Jen
Such a thoughtful and respectful alteration.
Thank you for speaking so eloquently about what is in my heart and mind, as well.
Well Done!!