The World Needs You

I don’t know who needs to read this right now, but I see you.

I see you struggling. I see how heavy it is. I see how hard it is to breathe. I see how impossible it feels to put one foot in front of the other.

I see how much it hurts.

I see you, and my heart breaks for you because I know you feel like giving up. I know. But I also know this: (And if you hear nothing else, please hear this) The world needs you.

Yes, you.

Your life has meaning.

I don’t know what unique fingerprint you’ll leave in this world, the one that says, “I was here. I mattered.” But I know you’re leaving it.

I don’t know all the people who love you, all the people who want you to stay. But I am one of them. And I know I’m not alone.

I don’t know why the story was written this way, why it sometimes has to be so hard. But I know that there’s a reason.

It’s easy I think, to look around and to ask the question: “How significant am I? What have I even done? Would anyone even miss me?”

The answers are, beyond any doubt:

Very. Everything. YES.

You matter. What you do matters. Your presence matters.

And it’s not about how “big” your life is. It’s not about whether or not you’re a parent, or what kind of career you have, or car you drive, or degrees you’ve worked for, or awards you’ve won.

You matter for YOU. Right now. Right as this moment. Exactly as you are. Lives are touched because you exist. Because of your heart. Because of your smile. Because of that indescribable je ne sais quoi that is distinctly and unequivocally unique to YOU.

Your greatest day hasn’t happened yet, and we need you around to enjoy it.

There’s a life-changing conversation that you’ll someday take part in, and we need you around to have it.

Someone’s entire existence will be altered for the better because of YOU, and we need you around to make it happen.

There are rainbows and sunsets and mountains that we need you to see. There are not-yet written songs and twittering birds and laughing babies that we need you to hear. There are soft white shores and the fluff of a puppy and the warmth of a loved one’s hand that we need you to feel. There are connections to be made, connections we can’t even fathom, that we need you to be a part of.

There are books to read. Movies to see. Art to be created. Food to be eaten. Adventures to be had. Friendships to be made. An entire lifetime’s worth of experiences, and we need YOU to be around to make them happen. YOUR hand. YOUR touch. YOUR heart. YOU will change the course of history in ways you can never imagine.

And if that’s all too much? If it just sounds overwhelming? I get that, too. And it’s okay. It is. I hope the dream of better things gets you through another day, but even if one more day sounds like too much, you’re still needed. Because you matter right now. You are loved right now. All you need to get through is right now. It’s okay if you’re not okay.

You are strong. You can do amazing things. But if all you can do right now is breathe in and out that’s okay too. We need you.

You matter.

You matter.

You matter.

If your mental health isn’t what it should be please know when to seek professional help

If you’re having thoughts of suicide, call the crisis helpline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

You can also text START to 741-741 if you’d rather text than speak with someone on the phone

If you’re in imminent danger to yourself, PLEASE go to the ER.

You’re loved, and you’re worth it.

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