Earlier this week, Tegan (11 at the time of this writing) expressed interest in a homeschool co-op. I try really hard to make whatever they want to do happen, but this time I just…. couldn’t.
I read through their website deeply. Looked at the rules, the FAQs, and eventually found their statement of faith, that I would have to sign should we become members. Jen of 20 years ago would have signed it without batting an eyelash. But 2020 Jen has grown and changed and evolved. 2020 Jen couldn’t in good conscience sign a statement that said, among other things:
Marriage is defined as being between a man and woman only.
Children must dress according to their biological gender.
People are inherently sinners.
There is only one God, and He is the only way to salvation.
I don’t know when I started to change, or what prompted it. All I know is that my beliefs are different now, and they certainly no longer fit into a traditional “Christian” box. I can’t even claim the Christian title anymore, as its been so perverted as of late, and associated with so many atrocious things. If pressed, I would call myself a Christ-follower.
I do still believe in God… but I also believe that God can look different for different people, that my God isn’t any better than your God, and that your beliefs – no matter what they may be – are just as valid as mine.
I do still believe in the Bible… as part metaphor/story/history book, and part blueprint on loving others (the New Testament).
I do still believe in Jesus… a Jesus who was a brown skinned, bleeding heart, long-haired, liberal, anti-establishment hippie. I believe that Jesus teaches us everything we need to know about love, kindness, and grace.
I believe that most people are inherently good, and that because of human-ness and free will, they sometimes do bad things.
I believe that love is love… and that LGBTQ individuals should have the same rights and privileges as their heterosexual counterparts.
I believe that gender, much like sexuality, exists on a spectrum, and that it’s not our place to tell people how they should or should not identify or dress. It also stands to be said that commenting on, speculating about, and otherwise concerning yourself with someone else’s genitals is generally weird and creepy.
Mostly I believe that we’re here to live out Matthew 22:39, the greatest commandment of all: Love thy neighbor as yourself.
ALL thy neighbors.
The white neighbors. The black neighbors. The refugee neighbors. The homeless neighbors. The gay neighbors. The straight neighbors. The addict neighbors. The Christian neighbors. The atheist neighbors. The Jewish neighbors. The Muslim neighbors…
I fail at this. A lot. But as hard as it is sometimes, it’s also the simplest doctrine that ever was.
My religion is love.

I very much in the same place. Thanks for always being so vulnerably honest.