Yesterday, a friend sent me a link to another Mean Mom blog post. The internet is full of these, and their praise is rampant. Moms virtually compete to see who can be the meanest, and backs are pat when the bar is raised.
It makes me tired.
I’ve written several times about why I’ve opted out of being a “mean mom.” ( You can read a few here, here, and here)
But the thing is, I don’t want to be a “nice” mom, either.
Nice is common. Nice is superficial. Nice is what you are to the cashier at Target, and the waiter at Cheesecake Factory. Nice is what you do when you follow polite societal norms. With a little bit of practice, anyone can be nice.
When it comes to my kids (as to everyone I love), I want to be kind. Kind comes from somewhere deeper than nice. Kind is precipitated by caring, by genuine feelings, and genuine desires. Kind makes me want to treat my children the way I’d like to be treated, and kind makes me want to put my children first.
Being kind is not the same thing as being a doormat. In fact, it’s the opposite. Kindness comes from a place of true connection. A place where there’s room for give and take, for honest communication, and deep relationship.
Kindness puts someone else’s needs above your own, and kindness begets more kindness. The beauty of kindness is that it spreads. The more kindness that you pour onto your kids, the more kindness they’ll pour onto others.
The more you show them you care, the more they’ll care about others.
The more you give, the more they’ll learn to give to others.
The more you model forgiveness, and grace, and understanding, the more they’ll respond in kind.
The world, especially these days, desperately needs more kindness. The world does not need more “mean.”
And as with anything else we’re trying to change in society…. the best place to start is with our kids.