Someone told me that I wasn’t good enough
Not smart enough
Not strong enough
Not pretty enough
Someone told me that I wasn’t enough and I listened
Someone told me that I was less than
That even my very very best would never be worthy of praise
That just my mere existence was a disappointment
That I’d never measure up
That I’d never reach my full potential
A potential decided not by me, but by someone else
Someone told me that I wasn’t enough and I took it as gospel
Indelible words written on a young impressionable soul
Letters burnt into deep deep grooves, like the scars left behind on a wood-working project from shop class
A class I could never pay attention to because I was too distracted
Too distracted thinking of other things
Of daydreams
Of the future
Of all the things I’d never do because I wasn’t good enough
Someone told me that I wasn’t enough and I started to believe it
Tiny pieces of my being breaking off and drifting away
Until there was so very little left
Nothing but a broken shell
A broken shell that felt worthless
But less than worthless because you have to care to feel worthless
Someone told me that I wasn’t enough and what was left inside of me died
Safe from the hurt
Safe from the anger
Safe from disappointing just one more person ONE MORE TIME
It had consumed me
Swallowed me whole
My whole existence enveloped in the empty abyss of self-hatred
But someone was born in that abyss
She was timid at first
She’s still timid
Nothing more than a whisper
Tentative, testing words of someone changing the voices
Changing the narrative
Slowly, painfully… so very very painfully
Someone told me that I wasn’t enough, but who are they to decide?
Who are they to write my story?
Who are they to say what is and is not worthy?
Or strong?
Or beautiful?
Or smart?
Someone told me that I wasn’t enough, and I heard it, but I no longer listened
Empty, hollow words, echoing off the chambers of my healing heart
Bruised but not broken
Scarred but not bleeding
And the wind from the unkind words carry life
Life to the timid and fragile new voice
A voice that isn’t quite there yet, but that gets stronger every day
More confident
Someone told me that I wasn’t enough, and she stood up
The girl with the new voice
The one who no longer lived for anyone’s expectations but her own
And she shook
Oh dear Lord did she shake
And even as she shook she knew
She need only say the words and the feelings would come
She need only say the words and they’d smooth a multitude of hurts
Of scars
Of pain
And I’ve been enough all along

WOW. Thank you. Sharing if you don’t mind.
Thank you! <3 And of course, please share.
You hit me in the feels!!
How did you start to hear the new voice?
Love you,
Thank you, Kaye <3 And to answer your question: Just time really. And therapy. And practicing being so, so, gentle and patient with myself.