In a perfect world this was supposed to have been posted last week… you know, when it was actually still 2016. But it wasn’t, because I was trapped under something heavy and couldn’t get to my laptop was busy eating and watching movies and marathoning It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
I feel like my limited vocabulary doesn’t contain the necessary words to describe 2016 in all of its… all of its… see, I don’t even know the word. It’s been a painful year. Not just for me, but for lots of people. And sure, there has been progress and personal growth and all that touchy feely stuff that makes me so uncomfortable, but still. IT’S BEEN A YEAR.
So I’m thrilled, and happy, and hopeful to put to 2016 behind me, and to move onto bigger and better things in 2017. Before I do though, one last look at 2016, blog-wise.
Here are my top ten most read posts last year, from least to most amount of views.
10. The One About The Boobies – I’m happy that this one made the list, and I’m glad that Kaitlyn Juvik so openly protested when she was treated unfairly. This is a conversation that needs to be happening.
9. Yes, I’m Upset, and No, I Won’t Shut Up – I’m not super excited that Donald Trump is going to be sworn in soon (especially when he is still tweeting stuff like this), but this is reality. And at the moment, this is just what had to be said.
8. When You Can’t Walk Into Their Room Without Tripping – Some kinder alternatives to the viral photo that was going around at the time, encouraging parents to bag up your children’s things and then make them pay you $25 a bag to get them back.
7. My Summer To-Do List For My Kids (And Myself) – This was just an antidote to all the rigid, hyper-scheduled, micromanaged to-do lists I was starting to see crop up as kids headed into summer (which is supposed to be a break.)
6. I Could Have Been The Disney Mom – Every time a family’s tragedy becomes public, my heart breaks for the parents… first because of what happened, and second because of the public lynching they inevitably receive. I try to remind myself that no one is immune, and we are ALL those parents.
5. In a World Where Rapists Only Get Six Months – I wrote this over six months ago, and I still don’t even know what to say.
4. My Dear Daughter, Your Value Doesn’t Change With What You’re Wearing – Misogyny is alive and well, and I’m going to call it out every time I see it.
3. Humiliation Isn’t Funny – So, it’s something I talk about a lot on my blog, but it’s truly difficult not to, when SO MUCH of what we see, hear, and are bombarded with as parents is the message that kids need more punishment. That they need to be treated as lesser than. That they are somehow less deserving of kindness. Well, I believe that kids need more compassion, and more respect, and that is a hill I will stand on all day long.
2. I’m Not The Meanest Mom – Something that I noticed several years ago – and am noticing again as I get to these top two posts – is that you guys always respond in a big way when I write rebuttals (except I don’t really like the word rebuttal. Alternatives. When I write about alternatives). I always have mixed feelings about writing them, mainly because I have trouble with the negative attention, but I still think they need to be written. So I’ll still continue writing them. There is ALWAYS a kinder, gentler alternative
1. 5 Phrases To Use When Your Child Is Having A Hard Time – Always a kinder, gentler alternative.
Happy New Year my friends. Thanks as always for reading my words, and sharing my words, and for being overall awesome. I appreciate you all more than I can say. xo

Yes 2016 was a year, an italic, bold face, all caps year. Sometimes they are. I just wanted a suggest a few of words for you this past year …. fierce, brave, bold, compassionate. You have been all of these things and I hope you will continue to be so. Many hugs.
Thank you so much. I am writing these words down, and putting them somewhere I will see them. <3
Hang in there. 🙂 At a point when I needed affirmations I wrote some of them on the closet door, so I saw them every morning. In different directions so they were decorative. Always figured I could paint over them.