Happy belated Easter to those of you who celebrate! Easter was…. odd… I guess is the word, for us this year. It was quiet and low-key and lovely, but it was still odd. It was the first time since we’ve lived in Arizona that we spent it alone. Usually we do church followed by a whole family thing at my sister’s, but this year she was out of town, so we decided to celebrate it next weekend instead. It was just as well, as two of the four kids were sick. There were no happy, smiley pictures on the couch of us in our Sunday finest (the kids and I never changed out of our pajamas) but there were colored eggs, and chocolate, and Steam gift cards. There was an unplanned run to the grocery store for paper towels and toilet paper. There were naps by pretty much all the kids, who are mostly currently on a vampire schedule, and whose bodies couldn’t handle the shock of being woken by an excited Tegan at 7:00.
Last night, Tegan’s fever and cough – which she’d mostly fought off up until that point – returned with a vengeance, and this morning I took her to the doctor for the first time since 2011. Her lungs were thankfully clear, but she was diagnosed with a sinus infection. I never underestimate that mama’s intuition when it comes to whether or not to take my kids in the doctor.
In related news, want to know how to make an introverted homebody grumpy? (That sounds like a set up to a joke, but sadly it is not) Make her have to give up a coveted, lazy day at home in favor of unplanned trips to the grocery store, the pediatrician, and the pharmacy – twice!
And finally, tomorrow – Tuesday – at 10:00 AM Mountain, I’ll be doing my very first Q&A on Periscope!! Username = _pathlesstaken. I just very recently learned that Periscope was a thing, and the idea of it terrifies me. Having my face on camera, while I have to simultaneously convince my mouth to make sounds?? The stuff of nightmares. But I’ve always* tried to live by the immortal words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said, “Always do what you are afraid to do.” (*Okay, not always. I spent the vast majority of my years vehemently avoiding things that scared me. But I’m working on it.) So, help me feel better about the whole thing, and come chat and say hi. I will see you there!
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