It’s somehow four days after Christmas, and nearly the new year. Christmas was lovely and very low-key. And now, as I look forward to 2016 (and this year, more than ever, I am REALLY looking forward to a new year) I’m taking the few minutes to put 2015 – at least the blog version of it – to bed, and revisiting my most-read posts of the year. Once again, I gleefully broke the cardinal rule of blogging and didn’t stick to one specific niche. In addition to parenting and unschooling, the following list contains posts pertaining to faith, food, and.. yoga pants. And still you guys keep reading!
Here are my most read and shared posts from this year, from least to most amount of views:
10. I love God. I love my husband. And I still wear yoga pants in public. – No matter what we choose to wear in public, we have GOT to stop victim blaming.
9. Instead of Punishment: Where To Start – This is a question I get asked a lot, and while it’s not something that can be answered in one post, my hope was that this would at least be a jumping-off point.
8. How I Learned To Read: Four Unschooled Kids, Four Stories – Another question I get asked a lot! If you don’t teach them, how will they learn to read?? The fact is, it is different for everyone, but yes, they’ll all learn! These are my kids’ – very different – stories.
7. I Won’t Throw Stones… Unless You’re LGBT – It kind of breaks my heart that I need to keep writing about this, but as long as it continues to be an issue (and so far, it is continuing to be an issue) I won’t keep quiet about it.
6. 12 Ways To Raise Children That Are Generous And Kind – Lists are my favorite.
5. To My Fellow Christians, After The Supreme Court Ruling – See number 7. This post ticked a lot of people off, and while that isn’t the most comfortable thing for me (I’m not someone who enjoys conflict. At all), an angry response just makes it all the more likely that I’ll write about it again in the future. This is a conversation that needs to be ongoing.
4. Food Freedom, And Why I Stopped Using The Phrase, “Clean Eating” – Eat the cookie. Enjoy your food. Listen to your body.
3. Dear Parents, Don’t Be Assholes – I’m kind of embarrassed that this is on the list. Not because I don’t completely stand by it, but because while if you’re good friends with me in my 3D life, you’ve likely heard me say a word like “asshole”, I’ve mostly made it a point not to write it on my blog. Let alone in a title. In a post that’s been shared thousands of times. 🙂 But sometimes it needs to be said, and the overall message – BE NICE TO YOUR KIDS! – stands.
2. Silly Christians, Cups Are For Coffee – I’m kind of embarrassed that this is here too, just because it was no more than a really big rant. Still, I’m honored that you read my rants.
1. Six Things My Kids Are Allowed To Say To Adults – Another list, and one that really resonated. This post actually became my second most-viewed post of all the time. (The first is this one – also a list 🙂 ) Thank you, for reading and sharing!!
And finally, these are the four posts that while written prior to this year, still grabbed people’s attention enough to put them back in the top ten for this year:
Why My Kids Will Never Be Socialized
I stole your stuff. Now I’m holding it for ransom
I Don’t Care Where Your Kids Go To School
Thanks as always for sticking around and reading and sharing and commenting on my posts!! Best wishes for a healthy and happy 2016.

Happy New Year, Jen! I think you’re the greatest thing since french pressed coffee. Thanks for everything. I LOVE you! <3 XOXOX, Kelly