Confession: I have ruined more than one laptop due to a spilled drink.
In my defense, at least one of those instances (the instance that will heretofore be referred to as “the red wine incident”) wasn’t actually ME that did the spilling, but one of my lovely offspring.
But still, liquids and electronics don’t generally play nicely together, especially when they’re under the not-so-watchful eye of a busy, distracted mom and/or her busy, distracted children. Enter The Mighty Mug, or as I like to call it: my new best friend.
It doesn’t have a suction cup or anything weird or sticky. Instead it uses something called Smartgrip Technology that allows the Mighty Mug to grip the surface of your desk or table, and stand up to all those accidental bumps, knocks, and elbows without falling over.
You guys, for real. This thing is pretty slick. And yes, there’s actual coffee in here:
And when you’re ready to take a drink? Just lift it straight up and it lifts without a problem.
It keeps your cold drinks cold, and your hot drinks hot for hours (which is especially nice if you’re like me, and end up nursing the same cup of coffee all morning)
Quality-wise, you won’t be disappointed. These are truly beautiful, sturdy and well-built mugs. They feel nice in your hand, and they’re easy to use and wash. They come in a bunch of colors and styles, so you’ll be sure to find your favorite.
And did I mention they’re almost impossible to tip over?!
Want one? (You know you want one.)
My new friends over at Mighty Mug are hosting a giveaway just for you, and will be giving away one Mighty Mug to one lucky reader. Just go here to enter, by Friday, September 18th. And send all your friends!
Your laptop will thank you.
Thanks, Mighty Mug!
**Disclaimer: I was given a free mug by Mighty Mug for this review. I was not required in any way to leave a positive review. All opinions are my own.**

I just used a hair dryer on my laptop after the cat slammed into the glass of water next to it!! Fingers crossed that it continues to work and that the now wet cat has learned not to do that again!!