Paxton turns fifteen today. I woke up in a panic yesterday, because I’d remembered that I’d made slideshows for the other three this year, so that meant that I needed to make one for Paxton too. And it wasn’t that I didn’t want to…. I love doing it.
But it positively guts me.
My mama heart drowns in nostalgia. I mean seriously, how’d I get so lucky?
Paxton at fifteen. What can I say that I haven’t already said so many times before? He remains one of the strongest, kindest, funniest, most truly loyal and steady teenagers I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. And his genuineness and integrity? This guy has more of it in his little finger at 15 than I had when I was twice his age. He’s awesome, and I’m so glad that I get to be his mom.
Have the happiest of birthdays, Paxton. Thank you for being so perfectly and simply you.

What a special way to celebrate your son’s birthday. Thank you for sharing him with us!
Every time you post something it touches home. Thank you so much. My only son is 17. I will be sure he hears this song.