This cracked me up. I did a similar one once before, a few years ago, and when I recently saw this come through my Facebook feed I thought it’d be fun to do it again. This is a series of questions I asked the kids, and their uncensored answers…. along with some commentary along the way. I asked them in the order their names appear.
Sometimes – particularly now that the kids are getting older and everything’s extra bittersweet – I find myself wanting to freeze time. Interestingly, it’s not usually the most exciting or flashiest moments, but the most simple. Times like this: hanging out, being real, and making each other laugh. I kinda like these humans.
1. What is something mom always says to you?
Tegan (7 yrs) – I love you
Paxton (14 yrs) – I hate people.
Everett (11 yrs) – H-h-h-hiiiiii (It’s this weird, drawn-out “hi” thing we do every time we cross paths. I don’t know where it came from; probably a TV show)
Spencer (18 yrs) – Change your clothes (E: “Spencer, this is going on Mom’s blog you know. Too late! Can’t change your answer”)
2. What makes mom happy?
T – Me
P – Not people
E – Animals
S – Caramels
3. What makes mom sad?
T – When I’m not there
P – People
E – Things that make you sad
S – When you see a pet that needs to be adopted
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
T – I don’t know.
P – Sarcasm
E – I want to steal Paxton’s answer (P – “Hey, this isn’t a game show where you can just steal people’s answers”)
S – Jokes
5. What was your mom like as a child?
P – Rebellious
E – Young
S – You’ve said it before. You got hurt a lot.
6. How old is your mom?
T – 41
P – 41?
E – 41
S – 41
7. How tall is your mom?
T – Oh my gosh. I don’t know.
P – 5 8 ½? Something like that?
E – I don’t know… 5 10?
S – I’m about two inches taller than you.
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
T – Play with me
P – Hold me hostage
E – Be with us
S – Blog and read and write
9. What does your mom do when you’re not around?
T – Do stuff on the computer and drink coffee
P – I’m not around. How would I know?
E – Things
S – Yoga
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
T – Actress
P – Writing
E – Blogging
S – Blogging
11. What is your mom really good at?
T – Making me feel good.
P – Writing
E – Holding people hostage (T: “STOP COPYING!!”)
S – Being a mom
12. What is your mom not very good at?
T – Not drinking coffee
P – Mind puzzles
E – Things she’s not good at (P: “Oh come on. I at least TRIED to come up with answers”)
S – Nothing
13. What does your mom do for a job?
T – You don’t have a job!
P – Blog slash parent
E – Stay at home mom
S – Stay at home mom
14.What is your mom’s favorite food?
T – What is it called? The thing with the cheese and the tomato and the lettuce…
P – Well, I don’t want to take Tegan’s answer, but I’m going to have to go with caprese. Final answer.
E – How am I supposed to know?
S – Milk Duds. Oh, that’s candy. Ummm… (P: “Candy’s still a food. Acceptable answer”)
15.What makes you proud of your mom?
T – When you don’t drink coffee
P – Your ability to raise four children.
E – A lot of things
S – When you help with my schooling (he’s taking an online course for small engine repair. I help him study for his tests.)
16. If your mom were a character, who would she be?
T – Carly, from iCarly.
P – Coffee drinker #2
E – (T: “Don’t you dare copy”) You would be Monica. (P: “Could you BE any more like Monica?” E: “Actually, you *are* kind of like Monica”. Me: “Neurotic?” E & P – “Yes!!”)
S – Rachel from Friends.
17. What do you and your mom do together?
T – Have fun
P – Bond over trips to guitar lessons
E – Talk. We talk.
S – School work
18. How are you and your mom the same?
T – We both love animals
P – Sarcastic sense of humor
E – We both love animals. (T: “That’s what I said! You copier!”)
S – …..
Me: “You look really pained by these questions.” P: “We were ALL pained by these questions.”
S Okay fine, we both have TMJ
19. How are you and your mom different?
T – Mom likes coffee and I hate it
P – I’m not a mother
E – I don’t blog
S – Can’t think of anything
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
T – She says it to me nine billion jillion times.
P – It’s something you just know
E – Because she says it a lot
S – (thinking) (E: “Ten seconds on the clock!” S: “There’s no timer”. E: “Yes there is, and you have to answer in ten seconds”. T: “No he doesn’t!” E: “Time’s up!”)
S – When you go to the store, you know what kind of candy I like, and you bring some home.
21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
T – He farts a lot
P – This is too hard.
E – I don’t know
S – He’s funny
22. Where is your mom’s favorite place to go?
T – To meet Taylor Kinney
P – Rattlers games
E – These are hard questions! Your favorite place to go? Well you don’t go anywhere very often.
S – I was going to say the Elephant Bar, but they closed.
23. How old was your Mom when you were born?
T – 30? No. No no no. Not 30. 37.
P – 26
E – 30
S – Around 20
Me, to Everett: Was that so horrible?
Everett: Yes, yes it was horrible. (To Spencer) Mom wants to ask you tons of questions and interrogate you!
Paxton: She’s going to hold you hostage, don’t do it!
Thanks guys, as always, for keeping it real. 🙂

That was an awesome read! Kids are so much fun! Zak felt like he was held hostage too lol! Thanks for sharing. 🙂