When I was around Tegan’s age, I had a little Strawberry Shortcake doll. She was one of my all-time favorite toys. That was back when Strawberry Shortcake looked like this:
Instead of like this:
I loved that doll!
One day I realized that one of her shoes had gone missing. Total devastation. And the worst part was that I had no idea when I’d lost it. Was it at church? In the car? In the house? In the backyard? At the neighbor’s? I mourned. I mourned for a shoe.
A couple weeks later, after having given up all hope, I was walking across the street to meet a friend to play. And there it was, lying in the middle of the street. It was dirty, and had clearly been run over more than once. BUT IT WAS MY STRAWBERRY’S SHOE.
I immediately picked up the shoe (I probably squealed while doing so) and turned around and started running back for home, not wanting to wait a single second to return it to where it rightfully belonged. My friend stood in the middle of the road yelling after me, “Hey, what is that? What’d you find? Where are you going??” In my excitement, all I could answer was, “I’ll tell you later!!” over my shoulder as I ran away. Interestingly, I don’t remember anything that happened immediately after that, but I do remember feeling badly for leaving my friend standing in the lurch in the middle of the road. Funny the things we remember with 35 years of hindsight.
I was thinking about this yesterday, because Tegan has been desperately looking for a missing Barbie boot. She has about a million Barbies (maybe not that many. But a lot. More than 20), but she has some definite favorites. This one had come in a set with a horse and saddle and everything, and had been a gift from mom and dad a couple birthdays ago. And she was missing a boot. And my girl was sad. We’ve been having random search parties, and making a valiant effort, but, well… as I mentioned yesterday, our house has been a little bit disorganized lately, and it truly could have been everywhere.
Well, yesterday I was picking up and getting some things organized, and the boot magically appeared (in a place that had already been checked multiple times, no less) My heart leapt. I called Tegan, hid the boot behind my back, and said, “I found something that’s going to make you happy!!” Said in the voice of Rachel from Friends, when she finds Chandler’s missing Best Buds bracelet from Joey, because I can’t seem to say it in any other way. Anyway. Tegan definitely DID squeal, and hugged me so hard she knocked the wind out of me. She played the rest of the day with her happy Barbie and her two matching boots.
This to me is one of the absolute best parts of parenting, and also the worst.
The best because I don’t just remember what it was like, I feel what it was like. I’m connected with her in that moment. I’m Tegan… and I’m me… and I’m the 6 year old me finding my Strawberry Shortcake shoe in the street. I know, I truly know what she’s feeling, and I know how big and important even the “little” things can be.
And the worst because sometimes you DON’T find the shoe. I don’t just remember what it was like, I feel what it was like. I’m connected with her in that moment. I’m Tegan… and I’m me… and I’m the 6 year old me missing my Strawberry Shortcake shoe. I know, I truly know what she’s feeling, and I know how big and important even the “little” things can be.
My hope and prayer is that I never forget. That I never lose sight of the childhood me, and that I never lose that commiseration and connection with my own kids.
Six-year-old me is one of my greatest parental teachers.

Layla (6) lost a TY mini beanie baby a month ago and I’ve been searching the web to find a replacement but I am sad that it won’t be the true “Peanut”
Aw, Peanut!! Yes, I hate that feeling!
My three daughters, now grown, had that Strawberry Shortcake doll and her friends.Remember the Strawberry carry-case? I remember how it felt when they lost their little Barbie shoes and we searched all over for them. Now it’s my grandson’ s Lego people or his DSI games.:-)
Oooh, the strawberry carry case! And yes, it’s the same feeling whether it’s a shoe or a lego or a cat whisker (I actually went through the trash for that one, because it had been carefully saved in a baggie because they’re supposed to be good luck. I found it. :))
Oh so much welcome back. I’ve seriously missed your posts, eagerly clicking on my emailed link in hopes that you’d re opened your blog. I’m not at this stage with my daughter yet, but I’m not looking forward to it, i remember a few broken things and my heart ache for her to have to go through that :/