My to-do list is lengthy. For every three things we cross off the conference list (shirts, programs, attendee bags all went to print this week), another dozen new details are added. With 21 days to go, we are down to the wire.
There are four over-flowing baskets of clean, unfolded clothes in my bedroom. It’s been too long since I’ve really cleaned… anything… around here, and it shows. We’ve been running around like crazy people lately, and the house is clearly bearing the brunt of the collateral damage.
I miss my blog (if a blogger writes, but no one can read it, did she really write? Obviously, I also need more sleep), and am in an actual state of mourning. It has become such an important, personal part of me, and it is frustrating to realize that no matter what I do, it won’t go away. Stepping away did not make me happy….I so loved the community! But the daily stress and negativity did not make me happy either.
I came across this quote today, and it called out to me:
“If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.”
~ Flavia Weedn
This website is currently that broken dream. I don’t know what its future holds anymore, and that makes me so unbelievably sad. But I’ll eventually pick up a piece or two and move on. Is there ever any other option?
I will figure it out. But I don’t have to do it this second, or today, or even this week.
For now, I’ll just drink my coffee. Drink my coffee, make cinnamon rolls with my girl, and trust that no matter what happens, every little thing’s gonna be alright. If Bob Marley said it, it has to be true, right?
(Seriously, I need more sleep.)

I for one am glad you are back online 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
I am overjoyed that you are back on line! Thank you!
Thanks Mary!
I’m over the moon you’re back online 🙂
Thanks, Charlotte 🙂
glad to see you’re back. Sorry the haters got to you, I love reading your blog posts, you’re like my online guru, lol. 🙂
lol, thanks! I don’t think I’ve ever been called anyone’s guru before. 🙂