I got this question a couple of days ago, and woke up this morning thinking about it:
I would LOVE to be able to unschool, I think this would also be the best option for my son. But I have to work, even though I’m only in a low paid job. Do some unschoolers work from home to earn money? And if so, just wondering what types of jobs they do?
For the first part of the question… yes, absolutely. I know unschoolers who have a stay-at-home parent while one parent works, others that have two working parents, others that run a family business together, still others that are single working parents. Unschoolers are nothing if not creative, out-of-the-box thinkers when it comes to making their chosen lifestyle work!
From personal experience, I want to say first that it’s been hugely beneficial, both on a personal and practical level, to pursue my own goals when it comes to yoga and nutrition. Yes, there’s obviously a monetary cost to getting training and certifications, but it’s allowed me to be able to do something that I LOVE while contributing to my family in a financial way. I am fortunate; I don’t currently have to work to help support my family. However, I take great solace in the fact that should the need arise, I have both both marketable training and skills to put to use… and that I’m continuing my education in that area.
So that’s one thought: Find something you’re passionate about, and go for it! Good for you, AND good for your children, in so many ways.
Some other specific ideas, all of which are real examples from real unschooling families:
~ Using a creative skill, and selling on websites such as Etsy. Sewing, needle-work, handmade signs, artwork, writing, etc.
~ Being a distributor for a multi-level-marketing company. Back in the day it was Avon and Mary Kay (actually, I still know people who sell those too!), and today it’s companies like Beachbody, Scentsy, Doterra, and Norwex.
~ Online work. Blogging, websites, social media, YouTube accounts. I’ve never made a significant amount of money online (mainly because I haven’t had the time/inclination to put in the necessary hours) but people do make it work.
Do you have any other suggestions that you’ve seen work for you, or work for others? Share in the comments!

Yes, I worked part-time while also unschooling. For a while I worked in a bookstore and brought my daughter with me some mornings, and other mornings she chose to stay home. When we moved I had a part-time seasonal job reading admissions applications for a college, which I could do mainly from home. Moved again, back to a bookstore. Now in a library, which would I think be the perfect place to work while unschooling, but my unschooled kids are all grown now. One is, in fact, a librarian herself!
This is the number one thing that worries me- that I’m being naive to assume I’ll be able to unschool, that I’ll be able to make it work financially.. Lots of time to go though, to sort it out.
i have several friends who homeschool and provide some or all of the income for their families. (and in this practical way, unschooling and homeschooling in general are basically the same.) some incorporate their kids into their work. this works most often for people who can be self-employed. (of course, making a living at self-employment takes some extra conversation, too, and isn’t for everyone.) some split work hours with another parent. this is easiest done if working from home, but can also be done with away-from-home work. and many occupations have off-hour hours. another option has been creative child care, including child care swaps and having a home schooling family take the child during some work hours.
really, the issue is child care, and creatively using resources. 🙂