And another Monday… after a busy weekend tying up loose conference ends, running errands, and taking an evening out to join some other Rattlers fans at a local sports pub to watch the Arena Bowl (Yay Rattlers for a blowout game leading to a Championship three-peat!).
This morning is a lazy morning: drinking coffee, watching a movie with the girl, and getting caught up on all my reading.
Here are a few things that have caught my attention:
~ Several of you have tagged me and/or sent me this video of a dad running over his teenage son’s video games with his lawn tractor. I feel like it’d be really redundant of me to even voice my opinion. You all know what it is. Connect with your kids; COMMUNICATE with your kids. Don’t destroy any hope you ever had of a meaningful relationship with your kids.
~ This is just…. I don’t know what to do with this. I grew up in a very very different time (which sounds weird, because I’m 40, not 80) Should it really be this different now? You can’t even write a story? About a DINOSAUR? Things are crazy out there.
~ This photographer took a bunch of nude (and innocent) pictures of his toddler daughter, and the internet exploded. I don’t know that I would have shared them, but there is NOTHING wrong with the pictures themselves. My kids are generally naked for at least the first five years of their lives. At six, Tegan is still in various stages of undress for a vast majority of the day.
~ I didn’t do the ALS ice bucket challenge. Yes, awareness is important. Yes, giving to causes that you believe in is important (and I do, frequently). I wasn’t a super fan of this one though, for a few different reasons, but mainly because I was disappointed in how very very many people who posted videos of themselves doing the challenge didn’t give a link, or even mention why they were doing it. It turns into something else at that point. I eventually stopped watching the videos, but I did like this.
~ And finally, I just really liked this blog post. It’s a conversation that needs to continue: “However, the words most commonly associated with Christians – even by other Christians! – were ‘judgmental’ and ‘hypocrites.’ If we’re to be the body of Christ in the world, and in so much as Jesus is the embodiment of the God of our understanding, then we have some work to do.”
Happy Monday, friends!

Love it. Thank you for that bucket video. Had not seen it before. Thank you for refusing to be baited about that other stuff. Wonderful way to acknowledge you are aware and just not adding fuel to those fires.