A (Sort Of) Weekend Getaway

I’ve always wanted to go to Seattle.  We’ve lived in Arizona for going on nine years now, and it somehow seemed more likely that I’d finally get to go.  Arizona’s on the same side of the country at least.  But nope.  We’ve driven back across to the east coast twice now.  Gone to Florida.  Gone to Chicago.  Went to the San Francisco area once, San Diego a handful of times.

But no Seattle.

Well, because life is funny and ironic (and/or because God has a sense of humor), the husband and I are going on a last-minute trip to Seattle tomorrow, in the midst of a million other things that we have going on …. and we’re going to be there exactly long enough to sign all the paper work and pick up a car we just bought, and get in said car to begin the 20+ hour drive home.  No more, no less.  My first instinct was to have it shipped, because it wasn’t a super great time for a road trip  – even from someplace fun like Seattle – but it turns out that having it shipped would cost a good $500 more than flying up and driving it home ourselves.

So, yay?

My new ride. Tegan has already named it Cinnamon.

My new ride. Tegan has already named it Cinnamon.

It’ll be a little adventure, and adventures are always a good thing.  And I DO get to see Seattle, however briefly. Mostly though, I’m happy that once we get the new car home we can put this particular stress to rest, and get on with our lives.  Ever since the accident, and all the accompanying…. stuff… to take care of, I have felt completely tapped out. The final little placement on the house of cards that made the whole thing crumble.

Now though, I’ll be able to cross something big off that ever-present cosmic to-do list, and move on to the next: In this case, tying up the 345 loose ends for the conference that is coming in less than four weeks, whether we’re ready or not; and getting my surgery scheduled for October so I can start praying that the second time is the charm.

And so it goes.

I came across this quote this morning, and found it rather perfect:


Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path, and you will find you have crossed the mountain.  ~ Author unknown


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Filed under adventures, life, random

4 Responses to A (Sort Of) Weekend Getaway

  1. T Serenity McCloskey

    Awesome! Enjoy the trip 🙂

  2. Lisa from Iroquois

    Enjoy the trip for what it is – a break. Leave everything behind for a few hours and you’ll be stronger and fresher. Having planned a conference or two in my time (probably smaller than yours will be): lists are your friend, written lists; delegate, you cannot do everything and be everywhere; on conference day create a bag of tools and carry it everywhere – blank paper, a note pad and pen, stapler, good tape, duct tape, scissors and a couple big black markers; visualize, when it gets crazy force yourself to step back and visualize how it should look and function, picture the greeting area as an arrival – badges, registration kits, a printer, and walk every step in your mind, best way to discover what’s missing. And SIGNS. There are never enough signs telling people where to find things. Good luck with your conference

  3. Rachel

    I love Tegan’s vehicle name.

    Our kids named our Suburabn “the big green container”.

    • jen

      The Big Green Container, love it!! She named Cinnamon well… I spilled some cinnamon on the counter the other day, and realized that it is indeed the exact same color as the car. 🙂

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