Trips, Unschooling Conferences, and a No-Spank Challenge

I am writing this from a fancy hotel, the kind I’d never stay at unless someone else was paying the bill.  The kids and I accompanied the husband on a work trip, and will be visiting friends, hiking and site-seeing while he’s at his meetings.

The view is not half bad.



Every time I go away, even if it’s just for a day or two, I always think I’ll catch up on reading, on writing, on all those little things I never get to do.  But nope, it turns out this mama’s TIRED. So all I can bring myself to do is just… sit.  Rest.  Regroup.  Be.

Two super important things before I get back to “being” though:

1)  Have you signed up for the No-Spank Challenge yet?  This is a free, collaborative event between over 25 gentle parenting advocates (myself included), and will give you daily tips, tools, and resources to help you out on your gentle parenting journey.  It lasts throughout the entire month of April, and it’s not too late to register!  Get daily inspiration delivered right to your email box.  And,

2)  If you’re planning on joining us at the Free To Be Unschooling Conference in September, April is a GREAT month to register. From now until the end of the month, for every family registration we receive, we will be putting $10 directly into our scholarship fund.  This means that it doesn’t cost you any extra, but you will know that you’re directly helping another family get to Free To Be!   We want to help as many people get there as possible, so this is a great way to work together to make it happen.

That’s all.  As always, thanks for being here and being awesome.  Happy April!

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