If you’re on any kind of social media, chances are you’ve been seeing the hashtag #100happydays (or one of its variants) over and over. I ignored it for the first several weeks, for no other reason than the fact that I’m stubborn, and have a tendency to dig in my virtual heels at the first sign of new things coming through my feed. “Lalalalala, I can’t hear you. No, I do NOT want to join in on your challenge/group/club/whatever-sort-of-100-somethings-in-100-days that you’re promoting.”
It’s clearly one of my best qualities.
Anyway, as is usually the case, I got over myself and went and looked at the link. I’m so glad I did! I’ve done projects like this before (in its simplest form, finding and acknowledging something – large or small – that makes you happy every day for 100 days), but never through pictures. It’s been so amazing! I’m not even 30 days in, and I’m finding that the hardest part is just narrowing it down to which happy thing I’m going to share.
My days are full of happy…. even the not-so-great days. And focusing on the happy moments likewise makes me see more happy moments.
If you’ve been having trouble finding your happy, give it a try. You can start any time.
Here are just a few of my pictures from the past month. I can’t wait to see what I’m going to add over the next 70 something days.
And the happiness goes on….
You can follow my journey on Instagram here.

I never participate in these sort of things. This one is much like the “30 Days of Thankfulness” that starts every year around Thanksgiving. My FB news feed looked like a huge bragfest!! Things like, “I’m so thankful for our beautiful new home on 6 acres” and “I’m so thankful for my new Mustang” sort of crap. Then, you know what happens? They forget to post for about a week and you get a long drawn out…”I have to catch up, so here is the past 5 days of thankfulness…” all in one bragpost. It soon becomes a chore. Some give up and others hang in there. By the time these folks get to days 25, 26, 27, they have trouble coming up with anything, so they will post any kind of nonsense. I know, I sound like a big scrooge. But, it seems like people don’t appreciate the little things anymore. I will follow your happy journey on Instagram, Jen, because it is about the simple things in life. Now, that is refreshing. 🙂