Because these things are fun to do every now and again. A current snapshot.
Current time: 4:52 PM
On the menu: Mike is actually out picking up pizza as I write. The plan is to eat – quickly – and then head out to a play (a steampunk version of Shakespeare) by a local homeschooling theatre group, including many of the kids’ friends.
Out the window: Dark and cold…. Phoenix cold, not cold cold. It IS under 60 degrees though.
Reading: A book called Last Light, by Terri Blackstock. Pretty cool story about a community that has suddenly lost all power…. no electricity, no cars, no working electronics, etc. Fun beach read, only it’s December.
Listening: So, I faithfully wait until the day after Thanksgiving, and then it’s all Christmas music, all the time. My Christmas Spotify playlist is up to 50 songs, and counting. Have you heard this new song by Crystal Bowersox (who, I’m very sad to say, recently cut off her 7 year old dreadlocks)? It’s gotten flack from more conservative folks, but I think it’s really lovely.
Watching: Mike and I are really enjoying Sons of Anarchy. And when he’s not around, I’ve gotten sucked into a weird vortex of animal shows on Netflix. Not cute and furry animal shows, but shows about things like animal hoarding, people who rescue wild animals, and most recently: I Was Bitten, a show about people who’ve lived to tell about being bitten and/or attacked by everything from rattlesnakes to alligators to mountain lions. Equal parts disturbing and riveting.
Good things:
- My new coffee maker
- Quiet mornings
- Christmas cards in the mail
- Our new snuggly kitten
- Frozen custard
- Heating pads on sore muscles
Around and About…. things that have caught my attention on the internet this week:
- Jesus’ Mom Was A Punk
- The World’s Smallest Political Quiz
- Ten Things I Want My Daughter To Know About Working Out
- Why Aren’t We Rude to Grownups The Way We Are To Kids?
- How To Not Screw Up Your Kids
- Real Dads Speak Softly and With Kind Words
- These bikers are doing a REALLY great thing
Thanks, Spirit Uncaged, for the inspiration!

Hey there! Thanks for playing along and for sharing the Crystal Bowersox song … lovely. She was one of my favorite American Idol contestants. I am sure it was the dreadlocks.
I dreamed that mine grew back in literally overnight. oh were it so.
Thank you for your post this morning (when I’m reading it). I’ve been struggling with a combination of emotion exhaustion (its been a rough six months) and holiday angst. I think I need to sit down and write a little profile of pleasures like you just did. It might help.