I am excited for today’s giveaway because 1) it’s for a product that I love, and 2) it’s for a product that, until a couple months ago, was completely unknown to me. Brand new discoveries are the best kind for sharing!
Tegan and I received some lovely Lilla Rose Flexi Clips to sample a few weeks ago. The first thing I noticed when I took them out of the package was just how pretty they are! The pictures don’t even do them justice. Really beautiful and high-quality. Second, they are easy. As the name implies, the main part is flexible, so you just bend it over your hair, secure it with the attached pin, and voila! Beautiful, easy, and super comfortable to wear.
I have dreads that are a year and a half old, and crazy, so I wear them up and back off my face daily. I love being able to pop in my Flex Clip and go.
You can use the Flexi Clip for half-up hairdos, ponytails, and up-dos. I have not yet mastered an updo with my own hair, but it’s NOT because of any failing with the Flexi Clip. It’s just… adolescent dreads of various stages of length, thickness, tightness, etc = a mind of their own. It works great for just pulling the top back, and for a simple ponytail. And on my daughter’s gorgeous curls? It took me half a second to twist up this pretty and casual up-do:
Check out the website for Independent Consultant Katrina Burbank (who is kindly sponsoring today’s giveaway) for more information and photos, and this link for styling and sizing help.
Want to win one of your own? Enter below! There are lots of ways to get multiple entries, so make sure you check them all out. Katrina is giving away two separate gift certificates for the Flexi Clip of the winners’ choice. Up to a $16 value. The giveaway is open to US residents who are new to Lilla Rose.

I rarely wear my hair down with straightening it. I do a pony tail at home, but feel it’s too casual for work. This would be perfect.
I always have my hair in a pony tail. I need something more sophisticated and pretty!
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