It seems like an “Odds and Ends” post should go at the end of the week, not the beginning, doesn’t it? But nevertheless, it’s a Monday, and my brain is filled with odds and ends. 🙂 I literally don’t think I could blog about anything else until I purge these unrelated thoughts. So, in no particular order:
1. Is anyone interested in an Q&A post? I know I already have a parenting FAQ and unschooling FAQ, but I get so many emails with questions that haven’t been asked yet, or asked in different ways, and thought it might be cool to do a semi-regular Q&A post addressing some of them, since others probably have the same questions. So if you have questions (about unschooling, parenting, me, the blog, etc) send em!
2. I’ve been a little distracted by a couple of projects I’ve been working on… one to be announced in a month or two, and another probably not till closer to the end of the year. I’m excited about them, and I think some of you will be too. 🙂 But blog posts have been sparse in the mean time, which is why you need to be on my Facebook page!
3. I keep seeing lots of back-to-school posts. I pretty much ignore the existence of the “school year” (except for the fact that the parks, museums, etc get a whole lot busier during the summer), but I’m always reminded at this time of year. I am very happy to once again be making a conscious decision to opt out. Spencer is 16 now, so this is our… tenth? eleventh? time of doing so? Whatever it is, we’re still completely and blissfully happy with our choice.
4. This article, by Matt Walsh, about attitudes towards public breastfeeding was just about the best thing I read all week.
Have a great Monday, and stay tuned for a “real” blog post later in the week. 🙂

Yes! Do a Q & A post! I don’t have a school age child yet, but am very interested in unschooling. I have been wondering if you felt you did anything differently with your children before they were school age. I’m reading a lot about the RIE philosophy and some of it seems to be in line with the basic idea of trust that seems inherent in unschooling to me. Thank you!
I would love to hear some thoughts on how far to push little kids to do things? I know it would be age dependent, but I’m thinking ages 1-5 especially. Eg if a child is shy or scared or anti-social or clingy or negative about doing something wheres the line with making them do it, or respecting their feelings. Sometimes in life it’s good to do things we don’t want to. How do we help kids understand that? (I think I know what you will say! But keen to hear your thoughts.)