I’ve said it before, and I’ll no doubt say it again: My relationship with Facebook is a love/hate relationship to be sure. If you’re even reading this, you likely came from a link on Facebook, and for that I’m thankful. It’s also served to be invaluable to connecting (and reconnecting) with all kinds of important people in my life. So there’s that.
But. My word. Sometimes I’m convinced that Facebook’s existence is nothing more than an invariable stream of humanity’s most irritating behaviors. Here’s a list of my top ten, culled from a list of 17 jillion.
10. Everybody’s a doctor. This actually isn’t limited to Facebook. Facebook just provides an easy forum for this annoying phenomenon of people’s need to diagnose and treat everyone with so much as a sniffle. Mention a headache, and you’re suddenly overrun with surefire cures of pills, creams, herbs, oils, vitamins, and procedures. I’ve started to seriously weigh what I’m thinking of sharing against how much unsolicited advice it’s going to garner (which means I almost never share that stuff any more) If you actually ARE a doctor, you get a pass on this one.
9. Mean-spirited political and/or religion related posts. If I wasn’t sure of this before the advent of Facebook, I sure was darn sure afterwards. Politics and religion make too many people mean. I dread election season. DREAD. IT. Mainly because most people are too busy maligning the candidate/party they don’t want to bother actually talking about the one they do want (which might actually make for an interesting discussion). You’re voting Republican? Great! Why the need to call everyone who’s not an “idiot”? And it’s the same thing when it comes to religion. You’re an atheist? Awesome! Why’s it necessary to share the hurtful memes making fun of Christians? Most of this list I can laugh off, but this one just makes me…. sad. Mean things make me sad.
8. Incessant complaining. I’m not talking about the occasional bad day. I’m not talking about sharing about a tough time you might be going through. I’m not even talking about the “glass is half empty” people. I’m talking about the “I *have* no glass, my life is miserable, the whole world sucks, and I’ll be damned if I don’t spew my negativity all over everyone’s newsfeed all the live long day” people. And an honorable mention goes out to their polar opposites as well, the ones who’d have you believe they’ve never had a bad day at all, whose lives are rainbows and sunshine and unicorns ALL THE TIME.
7. Incessant bragging. This is the guy who’s the best husband/father/employee/athlete/superhero/human being on the planet. And he makes sure you know it.
6. Self-promotion. Facebook makes it really easy for you to set up pages or groups, so that when you start a blog or a business or your latest MLM venture, you can make one little post letting people know, and then keep all your spamming advertising there, strictly for the people who’ve signed on the dotted line as being interested in actually wanting to see it. It’s easy. Really. Try it.
5. Too many “selfies”. I just recently learned that term. I’m getting old … a little slow on the jargon. Here’s the thing: It’s nice to see photos of your new haircut. It’s totally understandable that you’d want to show off your new tattoo. It’s fun to virtually tag along on your vacation. I even get it if it’s just been awhile since you updated your profile picture. But there comes a point when it’s just too many. Especially if you’re not 15. If every other picture on my newsfeed is your face, again, in varying shots of the same exact pose, it’s too many. Somewhere between 1 and 50 new pictures a month is too many.
4. Vague-booking. This is how vague-booking works: Person A “Oh I don’t know if I can take another day of this!!!” Person B “Oh honey, what’s going on??” Person A “I’d really rather not say….” This mostly annoys me because I don’t understand it. You’d assume it’s just for attention. But if you’re going to post just to get attention, wouldn’t it make much more sense to post about something you CAN talk about, rather than something that you can’t? The conversation pretty much begins and ends with a vague and cryptic announcement of passive-aggressiveness. If you need to publicly vent, vent. But at least give us the courtesy of knowing what it is you’re venting about.
3. Mushy love stuff. I honestly don’t know why this bothers me, but it’s probably the same reason that I don’t like weddings, and that people think I don’t like to hug people (I do, honest!). I guess I just feel like your relationship with your spouse/significant other is kind of personal and private, so it’s…. odd, very odd to me when people publicly gush about them. Anniversary posts make me cringe. Tell HIM you love him, tell HIM he’s your best friend. No need to tell Facebook, too. But too much kindness is still way better than:
2. Trash-talking your spouse and/or kids. It’s disrespectful, uncouth, and uncool. The only person it makes look bad is you. Just don’t.
1. Two words: Duck. Face.
And these are five that don’t especially bother me (with just a few caveats), though they do seem to bother a lot of other people:
1. Pictures of your kids. I have four kids. I think my kids are the cutest kids on the planet too. I get it.
2. Pictures of your pets. Pets are cute too.
3. Pictures of your dinner. Food is one of my favorite things. I like eating food. I like looking at pretty pictures of food. I do not like hearing a blow-by-blow account of every ingredient in said food though, especially if it’s constantly prefaced by the words “organic,” and/or “gluten-free.” Eating organic is wonderful. So is eating gluten-free if that’s your thing. Sounding pretentious isn’t.
4. Talking about your workout. I teach yoga. I can understand wanting to be healthy. I enjoy encouraging people on their progress. I even appreciate a well-timed before and after picture. But… it’s really okay if you don’t tell us every time you go to the gym or go for a run.
5. Anything that George Takei shares. He’s just cool.
Which ones do you disagree with? What would you add to the list?
I’m not sure if this only happens to me, but I hate the defensiveness on FB. It’s kind of the opposite of the “mean” thing. If I write – “Cooper is having so much fun with his new blah blah blah. Unschooling is awesome!” Then I inevitably will get 15 comments about WHY THEY are happy with their decision to send their kids to public school. Great for you. But I don’t flippin’ care! I wasn’t calling you out, so take a chill pill. LOL. Fun list!
Oh my, DEFINITELY not just you! I lost a friend once after a big blowup on my page. It was the first day back to school, and I’d commented that I’d just seen the school bus go by, and that I was happy we’d once again chosen to opt out. A big pro-public school friend FLIPPED OUT. Apparently being happy with your own life choices reads the same as, “Your choices suck.” 😉
I’m gonna post a duck face photo just for you 😉
There is the combo of incessant bragging and mushy love stuff, their relationship with their spouse/family is absolutely perfect and nothing is ever wrong.
Those ones are almost always hiding something, no one is that happy all the time 😉
Now I am feeling all self conscious about posting about my anniversary last week, LOL. Although in my defense I rarely gush about my husband (ok, I do about my kids.. guilty there) and I do tell him too 🙂
Hey, I said nothing about gushing about kids!! 🙂 I’m very guilty of that as well. And my 20th anniversary is coming up this summer…. so I have big plans to break that one myself, at least a tiny bit. 😉
Thank heavens we are all different! I don’t like the pets. (long story so don’t hate me!) The food pictures make me hungry! (and i’m already “plump”) I do like to see my friends pictures of kids and grandkids. (I’m older so my friends have grands!) I TOTALLY agree on the bashing of Christians – or anyone else for that matter. ( I don’t like mean, either) I also hate it when liberals call conservatives idiots – or vice versa – 2 way street! But probably my biggest pet peeve is the leading statements that are really asking for the attention… The thing I like the best? Getting reconnected with friends/family that I haven’t seen or talked to for years!!! Now that’s the true blessing of facebook! – and I totally agree – just because I post it, doesn’t mean I’m bashing you for NOT choosing what I’ve chosen…
I usually shy away from “do this don’t do this on the internet” posts, but I actually agree with you on this one! And I definitely appreciate the validation for food pictures. I recently started taking pictures of my kids’ dinner as a way to motivate myself to make them decent meals. I had some friend ask me to keep doing it, and then it became a “thing.” I had some people make some almost-rude comments about it, and I was like, “oh, hey. Sorry if you don’t like those posts.”
Anyways, that was my ramble. Nice list! And I totally found it by clicking a link on FB. haha.
I can sort of agree with this in many ways.
But please praytell what SHOULD we post, say, do that isn’t going to peeve SOMEONE off? That list might be shorter and easier. I mean its getting to the point where it’s just not even worth the bother anymore because everyone is annoyed by something you choose to say or do on social networking.
Oh there’s nothing. If blogging has taught me anything, it’s that. I tick someone off with every post, no matter what I post, no matter how non-objectionable it seems. People hate me who don’t even know me. I haven’t let it stop me yet. 🙂
I share GF foods because a lot of people I know are GF and they always want the recipe. 😉 When you have massive food problems, it’s nice to find new things to eat.
Me too! I have tons of friends who eat gluten free and when I see some fabulous GF recipe, or a regular one that is easy to convert, I post it! Nothing pretentious about it. My friends know how important that is to me.
But pretty much agree with all the rest of this 🙂
Yes! I keep a very, very small FB friend list for the same reasons! It felt awesome three years ago when I deleted 300+ friends. I’d ditch it completely but we homeschool and it seems the best way to keep connected with certain homeschool groups.
I don’t mind the occasional pet post, but I have a cousin (who doesn’t read this blog so I’m safe LOL) with no kids who posts CONSTANTLY about her dachsunds, or jokes about dachsunds, or cute pictures of other people’s dachsunds, or memories of her dachsunds now dead and gone. WAY more than I post about my four kids!
But I gotta say, you’ve got one cute duck face, Jen. 😉
LOL Well thank you. And yeah, that does sound more than a bit excessive on the dachsunds!
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