Day 6, Monday: If you couldn’t answer with your job, how would you answer the question, ‘what do you do’?
Last month when we were in Florida, we took a day-long tour of the Everglades. Shortly after we got into the van with our six fellow-vacationers, our guide (a fun and enthusiastic Floridian by the name of Rick) asked us to go around and introduce ourselves to the group. Mike and I were sitting in the very back seat, so I was the last to go. As I listened to everyone pretty much give their resumes, I wondered what I would say. They were all talking about jobs, and I hadn’t worked for an outside job in over 16 years. Even when I did, I was never really defined by it. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to mention it when I introduced myself, even back them. So what would I tell them? I would tell them I was a mom, of course, and maybe even that I taught yoga – mainly because it’s still relatively new, I worked hard for it, and it still gives me a little thrill to say it out loud. I like to think of myself as a writer, but I wouldn’t tell them that.
Mom and yoga teacher. That would be fine.
And it was. They all appreciated that I was a mom, especially when I said that we had four kids, and that we homeschooled. The yoga was a hit too, as it launched Rick into a funny story about how he took a yoga class to impress a former girlfriend and that it hadn’t ended well.
But are any of those things what I do?
THIS is what I do:
I make mistakes, and I hope to learn from them.
I laugh, often at myself.
I cry, just as much happy as sad.
I make grand plans, and I dream big dreams.
I start things I never finish, and finish things I never imagined.
I sometimes struggle and sometimes soar and sometimes sink and sometimes swim.
I breathe, in and out. I fall down, and I pick myself up.
I do real.
I do love.
I do LIFE.
Really, isn’t that what we all do?

i’m a mum and an artist, but what i do is exactly what you listed above… thanks for the wonderful reminder. … to just be me and do what i do. (love your blog, always nice to read about a mum who thinks similar thoughts… )