Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.
The word ‘advice’ kind of makes my skin crawl. I know, I know… we all give it, we occasionally ask for it, we sometimes find it helpful. We sometimes find it darn near life-changing.
But I hear the word, and I think unsolicited advice, which makes me crankier than a cat getting a flea bath. Advice that you asked for? Awesome! Take the good with the bad, keep what works for you, and be grateful for the effort. But advice that was just unceremoniously foisted on you? Another thing entirely. And a wretched thing at that.
So, my (uh, unsolicited) advice for the day – for you, for me, for everyone – is this: Whenever you’re about to offer up advice, ask yourself, “Was I ASKED for advice? No seriously, was I?” If the honest answer is “no,” and it’s not a matter of life or death, don’t do it, no matter how difficult it may be to refrain.
The world thanks you.