Photography by Everett

Last weekend, we went to the zoo.   Everett (age 9 at the time of this writing) asked me if he could take a picture.  I handed him the camera and asked if he wanted to be the official photographer for the day.  I shared some of my – limited – tips on using the camera, and he snapped away.   These are some of his best shots.

IMG_0016 IMG_0028 IMG_0035 IMG_0036 IMG_0038 IMG_0057 IMG_0060 IMG_0067 IMG_0073 IMG_0105 IMG_0112 IMG_0119 IMG_0133 IMG_0138 IMG_0149 IMG_0160 IMG_0174 IMG_0178 IMG_0186

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Filed under Everett, outings, pictures

6 Responses to Photography by Everett

  1. Sarah Durall

    wow! WTG Everett! Those are some awesome photos!

  2. Great pics! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. P. H. Pagani

    Great pics, Everett!

  4. Beautiful photos! He’s got quite an eye for composition developing. 🙂

  5. Tara Albrecht Roddick

    I think he has a future in photography!! Those are wonderful!! Great job Everett!!

  6. mnewell0293

    WOW Great eye! new follower of your blog and LOVING IT!

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