A Radical Path

Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don’t have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member.

Just like with the quotes, I had trouble narrowing this one down.  So many awesome blogs by so many awesome blogger friends!  I ultimately decided that while I could wax poetic about some of the bigger blogs that you already know and love, it’d be more productive to introduce you to a blog that you might not know about yet.    And if you don’t know about it yet, you’re missing out!

A few people readily came to mind (and I’m sure I’ll share them all, eventually) but for today’s post I chose Karen of A Radical Path.  What makes her great?  She just rocks.  She’s a loyal friend, an awesome mom, and an all-around stand-up person.  She’s a fellow Christian radical unschooler, and in addition to having a rather brilliantly named blog, she’s Australian and has passed on such important wisdom as sayings like “crikey” and “bloody hell.”

She writes boldly and honestly about radical unschooling and gentle parenting, and about walking this radical path we’re both on.  From her “about me” on her blog:

The path through life is often broad and wide, well travelled and unquestioned.

This blog is about our journey along a more radical, less travelled path. It is about thinking differently, questioning the status quo, getting off auto pilot, breaking free from unconsidered traditions, and forging a way through a wilderness that is just waiting to be discovered! It is about daring to be different, rethinking assumptions, and facing the future with hope and courage.

Join me as we undo the laces of the smelly old shoe that doesn’t fit anyway, dip our toes in the crystal clear waters, wash away the dirt and dust, and walk (even run!) barefoot in the green grass of freedom….


If you like my blog, you will love hers.  Go follow her on Facebook here.  You’re welcome.


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