Ten Steps When You’re Worried

I was going through some old stuff this weekend, and found a bunch of jotted down notes about dealing with worry.  I don’t know where they originally came from… a sermon?  A book?  A fellow homeschooler?    (If you recognize it, let me know, as I’d love to give credit!)  As is always the case when God or the universe or whoever you believe puts these things in our paths, the timing was uncanny and I thought they should be shared.


1.  Write down exactly what you’re worried about, and then flush it or burn it.  Let it go.

2.  Talk to the right people about it.  Talk to the people who you trust, people who can help you come up with solutions.

3.  OR, stop talking about it altogether.    Don’t allow yourself to focus on your worry.

4.  Schedule time to worry.  Write your worries down, tell yourself that you’ll put those worries “on hold” for six months, and let them go.  Chances are, when you do come back to them in six months, they will no longer be an issue.

5.  Make a list of things that are going well.

6.  Reformulate or rephrase your worries.  You might not actually be worried about what you think you’re worried about.

7.  Be solution-oriented.  Ask yourself, “What concrete thing can I do about this right now?”

8.  Break the cycle with different and new behavior.

9.  Think about what “success” means for you and/or your family.  Focus more on happiness:  relationships, engagement, meaning, and personal accomplishment.

10.  Finally, take care of yourself.  Get enough sleep.  Exercise.  Eat healthfully.  Spend time with friends and family.  Do things you love to do.  Taking steps to care for yourself will automatically raise your happiness equilibrium.

The more you try to to worry, the harder it is.  Instead, take baby steps to be happier.


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Filed under life, mental health

2 Responses to Ten Steps When You’re Worried

  1. Karen

    Your posts about your continual thinking remind me of where I was a year ago before I had a total breakdown. I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder or GAD. Have you ever read abut that? I read that you have trouble turning off your brain at night too. Please check out the signs and symptoms of GAD. When I read your posts I just want to call you up and chat. If you would like to contact me, my email is sclampy1@yahoo.com. Take care. -Karen

    • Thank you, for the comment and the concern. Yep, very well versed in GAD. I was actually medicated for anxiety several years ago, and while it did help me get through a difficult period, it’s not a route I chose to continue. I think what comes across in my blog often probably isn’t a fair representation of how I’m doing… just because I’ll use it to purge my thoughts at the moment, as a form of working through it. So it’s really just a snapshot, a blip in the big picture. I am doing well, and when I’m not… I deal with it and work through it. 🙂

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