Mondays make me lazy and tired. I have trouble coming up with actual words. So from now on (or until I get sick of it) I’m going to use Mondays to share links to various things I found interesting on the interwebs. Here are my picks from the past couple of days.
My Take: Jesus was a dirty, dirty God – I loved this article talking about the “humanness” of Jesus. Because Jesus WAS dirty. And a hippie. And if you ask me, an unschooler too. Oh, and sometimes he got dysentery.
Choosing to Leave my Second Son Intact, Despite the Intactivists – I could relate to this both because I made the same decision, and because I’ve encountered the same people: people who are SO passionate about their cause that they don’t realize how hurtful they’re being in their approach. A good reminder for gentle and compassionate activism. From Code Name: Mama
Self soothing. Possibly the biggest lie ever foisted on parents. – Great information about the myth of children needing to learn to “self-soothe.”
The Truth About Having Kids – I was so excited to see something new from Demand Euphoria. As per usual, she is spot-on.
Dimensions of Self-Care: Freedom and Unconditional Acceptance – I needed to read this today.
And finally, for no other reason than it made me smile: Taco Bell responds to teen’s request for custom Speedo I don’t read a lot of news stories (if you want to call this “news”) mainly because there’s so much bad stuff out there, but I love the happy stories. I haven’t eaten at Taco Bell in probably 25 years, but this was very cool of them.
You’re welcome. 🙂
Thanks so much, Jen! 🙂
Just reading some more on you blog & was so excited to see your post about ‘Jesus being a Dirty God’……I was thinking that this sounded alot like Johnnie Moore’s new book……& indeed it it. He’s awesome….cmapus pastor at Liberty University where my homeschooled daughter attends. The kids LOVE him!!
I am reading that right now! Wonderful book.