And again.
This time, 26 people were killed, the majority of them children. Like most of the country, I’m horrified and saddened, heartbroken for the families of all involved. And like a fresh assault, here comes the political commentary, even as it’s all still unfolding:
Gun control!
The left!
The right!
The lack of God!
Mental illness!
Psychotropic drugs!
Are any of the above useful conversations to have? Maybe. Probably. But not today. Not now. Not like this. Not when people are mourning. I’m going to be the first to say I don’t know the best thing to do right now, beyond sending love and prayers and light, and focusing on our own families.
As the day went on yesterday, as more details emerged, I talked to my kids on their own levels: The oldest, who at fifteen wanted the information, read the updates and watched the videos as they came in, and continued to talk about it throughout the day. The twelve year old, who wanted just the very basic facts, and the space to deal with it quietly… his preferred method of dealing with most everything. The eight year old, so sensitive and filled with very real fears right now… to him, I reassured, and comforted… and also shielded. The TV never went on, he never heard details, and we didn’t talk about it in his presence. And the four year old: oblivious, happy, playing, dancing. Innocent for one more day. (I really loved this article with tips for talking about it with your kids)
I don’t know why this has happened, or why it continues to happen. I don’t. And I think it’d be pretty arrogant to pretend otherwise. I don’t understand; I can’t begin to understand. All I know is that a horrible thing has happened, that there a lot of people grieving, and that my heart fully goes out to them.

Did you read the article,”I am Adam Lanza’s Mother” yet? I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. I sympathesize with her situation, but wonder how the kid feels when his mother calls the police on him? It’s all so very sad and I wish there was truly a real way to help someone like him and her.
I did, as well as several different responses to it. I agree that it is very sad, but her post did not resonate with me, particularly the way she dealt with him even leading up to his outbursts. He is being parented in such a punitive way that it is hard for me to look at the situation without bias.