When Jessica posted this link-up, my first thought was what a fun little project it’d be. Five things you didn’t know about me; cool! My second thought was, “Crap. Is there anything they don’t know about me?”
I mean, you all know I’m a chronic insomniac. You know that nothing bothers me more than misplaced apostrophe’s (see what I did there?). You know that I’m addicted to caffeine, have an incorrigible sweet tooth, and make one heck of a cupcake. You know that I’m hopelessly clumsy. You know that I hate talking on the phone, that I’m uncomfortable in social situations, and that Friends re-runs and new office supplies make me sublimely happy.
But surely I’m not a completely open book yet. Here are five things you may not know. You’re welcome.
1. I once fell off a ski lift when I was on a school ski trip in Jr High. It wasn’t right as I was getting on or off, which I would imagine is more common. It was after I’d already gotten on, and was going up, up, up. I’d never gotten settled correctly, my skis were all off-balanced, and the more I tried to scoot myself back in the seat the worse it got. I yelled in a panic at my friend next to me, “I’m gonna fall off!”, and she laughed at me. About 30 seconds later, I was nothing but two legs with skis attached, sticking helplessly up out of a snow bank. They had to shut down the whole lift and come rescue me. I was mortified… both at the time, and again on the way home when the rest of my classmates realized that I was the “idiot who’d fallen off the ski lift” and shut it down for at least a half an hour.
2. I had a tumor removed from below my clavicle as a young kid. I’m told that I wouldn’t even have had a scar, except that they didn’t get it all the first time, so they had to do the surgery again. I don’t mind the scar though – or really, any of my scars – because it tells a survival story.
3. The texture of shrimp grosses. me. out. I have no other way to describe it than this: It makes me think of biting into someone’s ear. That cartilage-like firm and crunchy texture gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it. As fate would have it, it turns out I’m allergic. Which is actually a good development. Saying “I’m allergic,” is much easier than saying, “You know, I would…. but they make me feel like I’m a cannibal.”
4. The first live concert I ever went to was Meatloaf. It was at a small little venue, and we were right by the stage… close enough to see the rivers of sweat flying off his hair as he flung it around. It was a fun concert (flying sweat notwithstanding), and I will forever have a soft spot in my heart for “Paradise by the Dashboard Light”, and “Two out of Three Ain’t Bad.”
5. I have a heart murmur. It wasn’t found until I was in my 20’s. It took lots of appointments and tests for them to determine that yep, it was there, and that nope, it shouldn’t cause any problems or concerns, at least not until I’m much older. I never think about it these days, unless a new doctor brings it up when he or she is examining me. And apparently sometimes doctors get excited when they hear anything out of the ordinary in someone’s heart. I’m always happy to amuse. Especially when I’m writhing in pain from a gall bladder attack, or 8 centimeters dilated with my third child.
Edited to add a bonus #6. I’m really, really, really bad at chess.
Now you go. What are five things I don’t know about you?

Ack, the texture of shrimp completely freaks me out too. Too bad I’m not allergic.
I am so glad I’m not alone! 🙂 I just found out about being allergic a couple of years ago. My first thought (once I was assured I wasn’t going to die) was, “Yes!! The perfect excuse not to have to try them ever again.”
I think I actually DID know a couple of those 🙂
Ha ha, I tried.
I think you just ruined shrimp for me. Thanks.
Ha, well, it’s only fair. I’ll never look at men’s calves the same way again.
Good ones!
Shrimp will now be known as “ears of the sea” in my head. Thank you. Loving this link up.