8 Month Dreadiversary

My crazy dreads are 8 months old! Here’s what they’re doing… And I apologize for all the “ums”. There’s a reason I typically write instead of, well, speak. 🙂

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Filed under about me, dreadlocks, update

6 Responses to 8 Month Dreadiversary

  1. They look beautiful!
    I was debating whether or not to tie my loose ends up or not. After hearing why you’re keeping yours I think I’m going to do the same. I love how fast my hair dries! And if lose ends are the reason for that, then lose ends it is 🙂

    • pathlesstaken

      Thank you! And yes, I was pretty much going to leave my ends loose anyway, but hearing that just gave me all the more reason. 🙂

  2. Jess

    YAAY! Thanks for sharing. They are so fun!!!

  3. you were the inspiration for my combing my hair back into dreads … and twisting and ripping some. So, I am seven months into the journey again. My dreads still don’t look as defined as yours do and I still have a lot of loose hair that worked out of the dreads which adds to the craziness. I have pretty much went into ignore mode. I just don’t have the time to think about it. One of the things I have found frustrating is that I started out combing and twisting into thicker, chunky dreads and they just came loose and formed smaller, skinner dreads.

    Oh well.

    I am learning more with this round that I did even before which is just to let go, let go, let go. It’s not even a hairstyle for me anymore. It just is my hair.

  4. I’ve wondered about the purpose behind dreadlocks for a while now, so I clicked on your “dreadlocks” tag and read your past posts about it. Your husband is officially amazing, and I love what you’ve said about this journey.

    And your 8-month old dreads look great. 🙂

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