Listen to Our Babies, Heal Our Nation: Bloggers Unite to Humanize Babies
July 1-8, 2012
The US has some of the highest rates of depression, anxiety, cancer, and other diseases in the world. Every year our government puts billions of dollars into funding programs that attempt to address these issues. The efforts are consistently ineffective. We are the leaders of the free world and we must remain healthy to stay that way.
There is a cost-free, efficient, and fulfilling way to heal our nation. This simple change requires no permission, program, or rhetoric, and it can start with you, today. By listening to our babies and accepting that their needs must be met, we can reduce disease and promote healthy members of society.
If you are skeptical, we understand. So for one week in July, a group of knowledgeable and respected bloggers are coming together to share how listening to our babies can heal our nation.
We invite you to join us in learning how to raise healthier children. We do not promise it will be easy- at times it will be difficult to hear what is being said. The United States of America has never shied away from the difficult, though. Instead, we choose to do the right things “not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” (John F. Kennedy)
“Listen To Our Babies, Heal Our Nation” agrees that meeting the needs of our babies is the most patriotic thing we can do for our country.
Will you join us?
How you can participate: We are looking for submissions of all sorts; blog posts, artwork, vlogs, videos, original movie clips- anything that shares why or how you came to believe that we must listen to our babies.
Everyone: Have you always wanted to share your thoughts, but never had a venue to do it? E-mail submissions to:
Sponsors: Opportunities available. Please e-mail for more information.
Experts: Have something interesting to chat about pertaining to understanding and listening to our babies? Host a live chat on a Facebook page. E- mail:
Bloggers: Publicize this event; share it on your Facebook page and Twitter;
Post this Press Release as an entry on your own blog.
Submit something previously written or create something fresh.
Listen to Our Babies, Heal Our Nation: Bloggers Unite to Humanize Babies
Organized by: The Badass Breastfeeder, Our Muddy Boots, The Path Less Taken, Little Hearts Books, The Single Crunch, and Zen Parenting