It never fails. Every time we take a cool trip, or have a fun new experience, I swear I’m going to write a completely awesome blog post all about it. I’ll post lots of pictures, I’ll regale you all with funny stories and anecdotes and pithy observations. It will be epic.
And then, um, I return to the real world. I remember, “Oh yeah, I barely have time to shower.” There’s a house to tend to, and 4 days worth of smoky, dusty laundry. And appointments. And yoga training. And the little matter of four kids who have been entrusted in my care. And life.
It’s a shame too, because if I’d written it I could have waxed poetic about the beauty and majesty of the vast open desert, and how it’s become not only the most peaceful place in the world to me, but also a living metaphor for freedom and unschooling and life.
I could have told you about the crazy and deafening winds that first night, how hard we laughed about the frigid temperatures (It’s the Mojave Desert!), and how some of us came so very prepared for 120 degree heat… but with no sweatshirts.
I could have told you that the kids and I looked out the windows the entire time, hoping to catch a glimpse of a Mojave rattle snake, but that the only wildlife we ever saw was jackrabbits, birds, and lizards.
I could have told you how ridiculously sunburned my nose got, not when the heat finally hit mind you, but on the mild and cool second day.
I could have told you how wonderful and rejuvenating it was to spend that much uninterrupted time as a family, with no distractions, no ringing cell phones, no internet, and no TV.
I could have told you about the stars, and the moon, and the coyote. I could have told you about Tegan and her sand, Everett and his holes, Paxton and his juggling, and Spencer and his mad tent-pupping skills.
I could have told you about the little moments, those tiny moments that make a trip great. I could have told you about the ant we watched for a good half an hour, as it worked to saw off a little piece of the dropped peanut, to get a manageable size to bring back to its home…
But alas, a long fancy blog post is not to be.
I did however, make a little video diary (a viary?) that was lovingly put all together into a 20 minute movie by my better half. It will be of absolutely zero interest to anyone else, unless you A) want to listen to me ramble for 20 minutes, or 2) have more than a passing interest in seeing what the Mojave Trail looks like. But I’m glad I have it, because it really was an amazing trip. And even though I won’t have that monumental blog post, I’ll still have the pictures, and I’ll still have the video. I can look at them, and I’ll remember.

Seeing the desert was interesting for me being as I have never been off the east coast.
Not a viary but a vlog!! A video blog 🙂