24 things I am looking forward to this year…

A couple of hours ago, we brought my car to the Toyota dealership to get the brakes fixed.  They have been getting louder and louder over the past week,  and we knew we couldn’t wait any longer to have them looked at.

Just under $1000 later, the car will be healthy and whole once again.

I generally try not to stress out about car repairs, since 1) stressing out serves no positive purpose, and 2) it’s par for the course with any car, especially with older vehicles (mine’s 12 years old, and husband’s is nearly 20)  It’s beyond expected.  Still, I’m not excited about starting the new year $850+ in the hole.  I’m also not excited about the fact that Mike is going back to work tomorrow after 10 days at home.

So, instead of thinking about either of those things, I’m anticipating things that I am excited about.    Here are 24 out of a list of many…. both large and small, in no particular order:

1.  Coffee.   Oh coffee bean, how this non-morning person loves you.

2.  January 10th AKA my birthday (which, admittedly, I celebrate for an entire month)

3.  Gymnastics, basketball, and scouts… which make life more complicated and crazy, but make the kids very happy.

4.  Another glorious year of opting out of school.  It’s a good life.

5.  Off-road explorations.   Six years, and the desert still  makes me giddy.



6.  Our 19th wedding anniversary

7.  Blogging, blogging, and more blogging

8.  Perfecting Fur Elise on the piano

9.  Our trip to San Diego, Disney Land, and the Wide Sky Days unschooling conference

10.  The girl’s inspired outfits



11.  Lazy Saturday mornings.

12.  Good movies

13.  Good books

14.  The Arizona State Fair



15.  Having a 4 year old, an 8 year old, a 12 year old, and a 15 year old.

16.  Paying off a credit card (leaving ONE TO GO!)

17.  Crafting, creating, and doing fun things to my fingernails



18.  Margaritas

19.  Special out-of-town visitors

20.  Homemade smoothies that rival Jamba Juice



21.  Yoga

22.  Cupcakes



23.  Making mistakes, missteps, and falling down…. and having the wherewithal to get back up again.

24.  Using words like “wherewithal”

What are yours?

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One Response to 24 things I am looking forward to this year…

  1. Jools

    I’m looking forward to reading your blog 🙂

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