Just nineteen days till Christmas.
I was recently living some Christmases past on my blog, feeling sad about the fact that I’ve always written about our advent activities in great detail, and that this year… um… it’s not happening. I feel like we have been go, go, going for the past six days – they’ve been good days, don’t get me wrong – and there has been precious little time to catch my breath, let alone do anything silly like write a blog post or share a picture.
It was starting to catch up with me already, so today I’m doing just that: stopping to breathe, blog, and share a few pictures (and also go to the doctor when Husband gets home, because I’m finally admitting that this sinus infection is not going away on its own.)
We have been geocaching, gone out for ice cream, had a carpet picnic, and made paper snowflakes. The little ones have done craft after craft, and done it up well I might add:
Husband and the boys also spent almost an entire day this weekend building an addition to the chicken coop:
Yesterday, we joined a field trip to a railroad museum at the last minute…
… and spent the rest of the day out and about, browsing and shopping and librarying.
Which brings me to today, and my great need to regroup. I’m once again reminding myself to live in the moment, enjoy the little things, and not get caught in the hustle and bustle. Our calendar for the next two weeks is even fuller, and I intend to enjoy it. Even before my antibiotics kick in.
Happy 19 Days Till Christmas!