Ten days away from the end of November, which means ten days until Nano officially ends, which means ten days until I’ve actually written 50,000 words or I haven’t. Each time I’ve done it, it’s been a journey… this year perhaps more than any other. I love fiction writing. I always have. It makes me come alive, and it inspires and entertains me. This year though, I don’t know that my heart was really in it.
I had a kernel of a good story, but unfortunately it’s heavily buried under a steaming pile of cow manure. Such is the case most Novembers, but that’s sort of the point of the exercise…. to just get the story out, and worry about editing, slashing and re-writing later. This year feels different though. I’m not sure I care enough about the story to even want to finish it, let alone clean it up later.
And right now, ten days from the finish date, I’m faced with asking myself if it would be more personally liberating to just get the rest of my 14,000 words into the computer and finish what I started, OR giving myself permission to just say, “Not this year,” peacefully calling it quits right now, and appreciating the fact that I’m secure enough in myself to be okay with not finishing what I started.
In other news, I’ve spent the past 21 days working on something else as well. Every time I felt burnt out on my story, and felt like I just couldn’t write another description or narrative or bit of dialogue, I worked on outlining – and eventually writing – a pair of e-books: one on unschooling, and one on gentle parenting. I am very excited about the project, and I can’t wait to share it with you all… hopefully in early 2012.
This is where the favor comes in. One of the things I want to be sure to cover, in both books, is a good reader-friendly FAQ chapter. I’m working with several questions I’ve gotten in comments, emails, etc, but if you have one (or two or three) that’s been burning on your mind that you’ve never seen me cover, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to either comment here, on Facebook, or send me an email. And since I’m asking for favors, I would also love it if you share my blog with others (assuming you actually read and enjoy it :)). I have gotten a couple of very nice emails the past few days from new readers, and I can’t tell you how much I love to have an excuse to procrastinate on the laundry even longer connect with all of you! You guys are awesome.
And finally, Thanksgiving is in three days, and the holiday season is officially upon us. I love Thanksgiving. Love the feel, love the smells, love the food, love the laughter. Last year, we ended up having to leave early because the little one was sick, so I’m mostly wishing for health this year – says the person who has single handedly gone through an entire box of tissues in about 12 hours.
I wish you all a beautiful day on the 24th, whether it’s Thanksgiving for you or just another Thursday.

I am so thankful for your blog and your friendship! I know I have said it before but you make me a better Mom!
And I am thankful for YOU Tara! <3 Was just thinking of you guys today, looking through pics from our trip. The girls look so happy, and Everett and Ian are flashing peace signs (or gang signs, lol)
I agree with Tara! You have taken feelings that have been in my heart my whole life and validated them, made me believe in them, made me believe in myself. I am so grateful for your friendship and to know that kindred spirits walk the earth with me. And yes, I absolutely am a better mom because of YOU.
As I read your words above, I wonder if you could take that kernal of an idea in your fiction story and find a way to care more about it. Is there a message that needs, really needs, to get out right now that you could somehow connect to your story? If so, go for it. If not, I agree–give yourself permission to put it aside for now. As for unschooling and gentle parenting, I would love stories, resources, suggestions, and ideas for the single parent and/or for the divorced parent. Unschooling is what I want to do, but I am scared to walk away from my income and my health insurance and my retirement. Are there ways you can unschool after school? How can I undo what the school does? I do not want my daughter growing up to believe there is only one correct answer, and it will be choice A, B, C, or D. With gentle parenting, how do you manage when your child’s father believes in an opposing philosophy of parenting? How do you help your child when she must adjust to two completely different environments and call both home? I’m sure I have more questions, too, but those are the ones that are always on my mind. Love you, Jen!
Thank you, Amy, for your kind words! <3
And those are GREAT questions. I always hope for you two that you can find a way to make unschooling work!
I would love to hear more about gentle parenting techniques for dealing with sibling issues – namecalling, physical fights, competition, etc. – all within an unschooling context.
More great questions; thanks!
My son has done nano for the last 4 years, I guess he’s not doing it this year since I haven’t heard anything about it.
I am putting into practice what I’ve read on you blog about gentle parenting. I’m so thankful for you! I have had the desire to correct my children positivly-and struggling because the christian teaching I’ve had over the years told me that my kids had to obey what I say the first time-no questions asked. Also, I shouldn’t give them too many choices, and things like that. I stuggle with getting frustrated when I tell my daughter (6) to do something and she just refuses or will cry and complain because she just doesn’t want to. But you have a whole different perspective! It is so refreshing and right! I am really learning to listen to my kids and to be more compassionate and just enjoying them. They are wonderful!
PS I mentioned you on my blog today!
I’m so excited to hear about the books!! I am so looking forward to reading them 🙂 woot woot!
Thanks! I guess I should actually finish them then, lol 🙂