It’s Plank Pullin’ time! The one day a week that we strongly resolve to ignore the multitude of specks and sawdust around us and pull one bona fide plank from our own eye. Matthew 7:3-5 style.
I try really hard not to gossip or complain about others. It’s not nice, of course, and I don’t like listening to other people doing it. The other day though, a situation with one individual had gotten the better of me, and I unloaded a torrent of frustrations onto a faithful friend. This person wasn’t doing anything to me personally mind you, but just – in my ever so humble opinion – being generally obnoxious to mankind as a whole. They were wrong (because, you know, everyone is supposed to be perfect all the time and never do anything unseemly). I didn’t like it, so I complained about it. I stood there and complained about it, and judged someone, and said unkind things….. and basically did all the stuff that I find so distasteful in others.
The very next day, this person did something that not only made me regret my words, but also completely and utterly proved me wrong. With a capital W. (Insert some cliched, but true, adages here about putting my foot in my mouth, or about pots and kettles and how they’re both black). I was wrong. And aside from the obvious “See, it serves you right for gossiping about someone!!” it made me feel very small. I was judging the situation, and the person, unfairly. I was making assumptions. Funny how we have to learn the same lesson over and over and over again until we get it. This is basic stuff here, not rocket science. Even the kids know what happens when you ASSume.
But I learned my lesson (um, again) and maybe it’ll actually stick this time.
This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger ~ James 1:19

Oh, how I’ve been there too many times to count. At least I make sure my front door is closed now before making any comments 😉
Thanks for the tip. 😉
God has been working on me a lot this year about my, ahem, gossiping/venting. Sigh.
You and I have been on similar paths in a lot of ways!
I printed up the think before you speak chart. It’s been working for me, I have literally been measuring everything by that.
What chart is that? Something about kind, truthful, necessary?