Day Six: Niagara Falls

A couple of truths about traveling: Some legs are going to take about 20 times longer than you anticipated; and even the closest of siblings are going to surpass a certain level of tolerance for each other after a long enough time within close quarters. Today we experienced both.

We headed for Niagara Falls from Fort Wayne, IN… a drive that our Trip Tik assured us was 6 hours, but one that ended up taking over 9. We left our hotel at 5:00 AM, so we were a tired bunch when we finally arrived.

The overwhelming opinion once we were there? Totally worth it.

Everett was a little bit nervous about the Maid of the Mist.  He doesn’t like storms, and wasn’t sure about the mist and wind he knew we’d experience once we were close to the falls.  But he wanted to try it, and was thrilled that we had, as were the rest of the kids.

Tegan got a little duck, appropriately equipped with his own Maid of the Mist raincoat, and our party abruptly slowed down by a factor of 100, while the duck walked, crawled, climbed, and rappelled around the park:

After we’d all enjoyed the falls, we stopped at another Man Vs Food restaurant called the Silo, which kept us more than tided over until our next stop in Saugerties (where we arrived just a few minutes before midnight)

Mike’s “holy trinity of ‘dude food.'”

The final few hours in the car were crazy ones, as we finished up what turned out to be another 19 hours on the road.   Tegan kept us amused, and on our toes, with her own never-ending stream of Teganisms.  Just a small sampling:

I just licked my baby.
Do you smell my fart?
I wish I could walk in the clouds.
Daddy, what color is Mommy?
Everett, your sister is getting very angry with you.
Where is my body?

We were all happy and relieved to finally reach our friends’ house and set up roots, even if just for a few days.

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