We had just a three hour drive today, and for the second time this trip, we found the shorter ride to somehow feel longer than the lengthy, dozens-of-hours days. It wasn’t a bad trip by any means. Just… long. Lots of stops, lots of antsy-ness. It was with great relief that we started seeing the old familiar signs: Worcester, Weare, Brimfield, Warren, Palmer. We were almost there.. Spencer, Massachusetts, where Mike spent the first 18 years of his life, and where I spent 50% of my senior year weekends (the other half, he drove the 2 hours to see me in Alstead, NH)
We arrived mid-afternoon, and spent the rest of the day and evening eating, visiting, eating, catching up, and eating.
The best part of the day – besides the aforementioned visiting and eating – was watching Tegan and Ayla (3 and 4 years respectively) instantly playing like the very best of friends instead of what they really are: cousins who live on opposite sides of the country, who have only met each other twice in their lives.
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